Visual studio 2017, OpenGL program running prompt glut32.dll missing solution

My question is exactly the same as above, so make a note of it for later review and reference.
Today debug OpenGl source program, compiled through, but a running tips, computer lost glut32. DLL files, not depressed, search under the Internet provide most of the practice are more, copying the file to download this file to C: \ WINDOWS \ system in 32, but did so after found that still doesn’t work, after a long afternoon, suddenly realized that may be about my new WINDOWS 7 system, but also for loading is 64 – bit, then, Try to copy this glut32.dll to your SysWOW64 folder in C:\ Windows, and it will all be OK. Here’s a special note to remind everyone who installed Windows 7 and VC ++ 6.0 to pay attention to it.
PS: When I just started to contact OpenGL, I will inevitably encounter some problems. These problems may have nothing to do with the program, but some compilation environment Settings and header file installation. In particular, I have arranged them as follows:
(1) Copy gult32.dll, Glut. DLL to Windows system system32(if Windows 7 is a 64-bit operating system, it is in C:\ Windows SysWOW64 file)
(2) Copy gult32.lib, Glut. lib to VC lib directory
(3) Copy ULT. H to include\GL of VC

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