Unity reports an error cs0619: ‘guitexture’ is obsolete

Unit reports an error when loading an old version of the project: unit reports an error assets \ standard assets \ utility \ forcedreset. CS (6,27): error cs0619: ‘guitexture’ is obsolete:

The solution is as follows:

1、 Forcedreset.cs

1. Add the namespace
using unityengine.ui;

2. The guitexture in [requirecomponent (typeof (guitexture))] is changed to image, and the result is: [requirecomponent (typeof (image))]

2、 Simpleactivatormenu.cs

1. Add the namespace
using unityengine.ui;

2. Change guitext in public guitext camswitchbutton to text, and the result is:
public text camswitchbutton;

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