Unity Component.isActiveAndEnabled Analysis of exact meaning

The following results are the test conclusions.

Isactive in hierachy is equivalent to whether a GameObject is active or not, which is the same as a simple understanding.

Isactive andenabled requires three conditions:

The isactiveinheerachy of

    GameObject is true, and onenable
is being or has been called


    in onenable of a script, isactive andenabled is always true. In ondisable of a script, isactive andenabled is always false


Test example: place a GameObject in the scene and two scripts below. Set GameObject and scripts to be active. In the process of running the scenario, in the script that calls onenable first, you can find that your isactive andenabled is true, but another script’s isactive andenabled is false.

So: there is no script to call onenable, though gameObject.isActiveInHierachy Is true, and enabled is true, but isactive andenabled is false.


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