Tag Archives: user

Difference between vs code user and system version

Difference between vs code user and system version

Recently, the version of win10 LTSC has been re installed, and the new version of visual studio code has just come out.
However, the official website provides user and system versions. Simple installation is tried.

For installation


    user version can’t create the default folder in the system partition (disk) Microsoft vs Code , which shows that the permissions are insufficient. The solution is to name the self created folder in the directory
    in advance, and then click next, For example, vs Code , in order to synchronize the path box, you need to delete the default Microsoft, as shown in figure

    For the system version, there is no such problem, but the next step is the same as other software

    Language problems (win10 LTSC Chinese language)

      I'm not sure whether this is just me or a common problem. For the user version of the installation program and vscode program, the default is English. It seems that the system language environment can't be read. The system version is the Chinese installation program directly, and the Chinese display panel user version uses the Chinese method

        open vs code, enter Ctrl + Shift + P , and enter configure display in the search box Language , click open to change the quotation mark en to 'zh CN', or delete the quotation mark "en" to the colon, and enter Z to complete it as "locale": "zh CN" click the plug-in, click the bottom icon on the left side of the software, and then search Chinese , download the language pack, install and restart

        Concluding remarks

          at present, I don't know the specific difference between the two versions.
          in stakoverflow's Q & A, some people said that there are differences between the two versions. I don't know for the moment. I may need to understand the good intentions of Microsoft. The software is also divided into users and system administrators, for ordinary users, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, it is recommended to use the system version. For reference only

Experience of learning VTK

Now start to learn VTK, what can not yet.

simple view, learning VTK is far more promising than learning OpenGL.

main is feeling VTK is open source packages, which have written a lot of the underlying function, data structure and data organization and relative to our own writing function rich and robust.


On Windows, VTK installation is complicated. Because at present is not very familiar with, will not write temporarily. I havent learned how to set the right variables.

Im sorry.

VTK, possibly the Visualization Toolkit If you want to learn it well, consult two books

VTK Users Guide and VTK tool kit. Its available on its official website.

Open source stuff is really good.

Infragistics.NetAdvantage . 2006.vol2 error 1609 solution

error 1609,an error occurred while applying security settings.
aspnet is not a valid user or group.this could be a problem with the package,or a problem connecting to a domain controller on the network.check your network connection and click retry,or cancel to end the install.
Error 1609
error applying security Settings. The user is not a valid user or group. This could be due to a problem with the package or a problem connecting to a domain controller on the network.
Simply put, the ASPNET user does not exist or the domain in which the user resides has a problem. If the user doesnt exist, create a user named ASPNET, or if it does, it could be a domain problem.
I encountered a situation where the user already existed. Solution: In My Computer right-click Administration”, disable, enable, and add ASPNET users to the list owned by Administrator. The installation passes.  

Error 1045 (28000) access denied for user root @’localhost appears in MySQL under Windows system

Error 1045(28000) Access Denied for user root’@’localhost

From http://zxy5241.spaces.live.com/blog/cns! 7682A3008CFA2BB0! 361.entry
When installing mysql database in Windows operating system, you encounter Error 1045(28000) Access Denied for user root’@’localhost’, you need to reset the password.
the specific method is:
1. First, find my. Ini configuration file in the installation directory, open the configuration file, find the line [mysqld], add skip-gran-tables below and save the file, and restart mysql dynamic service.
2. Then execute mysql -u root mysql
mysql> update user set password=password(‘newpassword’) where user=’root’;
mysql> Flush privileges;
where newpassword is roots newpassword. 3. Remove the line that added to my. Ini configuration file just now, and finally restart mysql.

After installing mysql or uninstalling the downloaded free version, the default is no my.ini file.
. However, there are several similar files, such as [code] my-small-ini, my-media.ini, my-large. Ini, my-huge. Ini, [/code].
these files are the different configuration information recommended by mysql for different applications; But these configurations will only be applied if you put them in my. Ini.
1, my-small. Ini is designed for small database. This model should not be used for databases that contain common items.
2, my-media.ini is designed for medium-sized databases. If you are using RHEL in the enterprise, you will have significantly more physical memory than the minimum RAM requirements for this operating system (256MB). As you can see, if you have that much RAM memory available, you can naturally run other services on the same machine.
3, my-larg.ini is designed for use exclusively with a SQL database. Since it can use up to 512MB of memory for the database, at least 1GB of RAM will be required on this type of system so that it can handle both operating system and database applications.
4, my-huge. Ini is designed for databases in enterprises. Such a database would require a dedicated server and 1GB or more of RAM. These choices are highly dependent on the amount of memory, the speed of the computer, the size of the database details, the number of users accessing the database, and the number of users loading and accessing data into the database. The performance of the database may change as the number of databases and users increases.

according to their own situation, select a file configuration copy to my. Ini file, of course, you need to create your own, just create a new file, and then copy into the configuration information.

error code 11 Administrative Limit Exceeded

The problem is ldap server has limitation for the user about numbers of entries searched.

Open your directory server (name), Configuration Folder, Performance. On right panel check Client Control folder. You may see:

Size limit

Look-through limit

Time limit

Idle timeout

The look-through limit specifies the maximum number of entries that will be examined for a search operation.

The size limit specifies the maximum number of entries the server returns to the client application in response to a search operation.

The time limit specifies the maximum time the server spends processing a search operation.

The idle timeout specifies the time a client connection to the server can be idle before the server drops the connection.

Change these options to unlimited can resolve this problem.

MySQL startup problem (ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for userODBC’@’localhost (using password: NO))

2011-03-18 wcdj
The solution is as follows:
(1) open mysql service because I installed the selected manual boot at that time.
(2) add the bin directory of mysql installation to the system PATH environment variable, using; (semicolon) partition.
(3) then open CMD and type the command: mysql-u username -p password. Enter mysql-u root-p my root password on my machine, and you will be able to enter mysql.
As shown in the figure below:

Reset password:
$mysql -u root -p
login password # mysql server mysql> Use mysql # using mysql database
mysql> Update user set password= password (“123456”) where user =’root # update user password
mysql> Flush privileges # to refresh the permissions
mysql> Quit # Quit the mysql server

MySQL creates tables and sets auto increment of primary keys


->userid int(4)主键not null auto_increment
->userpassword varchar(32) not null

logid int(4) primary key not null auto_increment
logtitle varchar(32) not null
logcontent varchar(160) not null
logtime datetime not null
userip varchar(64) not null