Tag Archives: issue

[Solved] Error: Incorrect arguments to mysqld_stmt_execute

When mysql2 is used to operate the database in express, the paging query will report an error error incorrect arguments to mysqld_stmt_execute


Error reporting: error: incorrect arguments to mysqld_stmt_execute

// Query notes based on number of notes and number of pages
  async getSomeNote(num, page) {
    const fromNum = (page - 1) * num
    const statement = `SELECT id,note_title,note_describe,note_createtime,note_sort FROM notes_test LIMIT ? ,? ;`
    // There is a problem with the parameters fromNum, num passed in here, they are numeric at this point
    const result = await connections.execute(statement, [fromNum, num])
    return result[0]


Statement is a query statement for operating the database and is of string type. The contents of the second parameter of execute will be inserted into the statement. At this time, the number type inserted should be of string type, so an error “wrong parameter” is reported.


Change the passed in parameter to string type.

// Query notes based on number of notes and number of pages
  async getSomeNote(num, page) {
    const fromNum = (page - 1) * num
    const statement = `SELECT id,note_title,note_describe,note_createtime,note_sort FROM notes_test LIMIT ? ,? ;`
    // Direct string concatenation, converting number types to character types
    const result = await connections.execute(statement, [fromNum+'', num+''])
    return result[0]

[Solved] hiveonspark:Execution Error, return code 30041 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.spark.SparkTask

Problem Description:
when deploying hive on spark, the test reports an error, and the table creation operation is successful, but the following error occurs when inserting insert:

Failed to execute spark task, with exception ‘org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException(Failed to create Spark client for Spark session 2df0eb9a-15b4-4d81-aea1-24b12094bf44)’
FAILED: Execution Error, return code 30041 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.spark.SparkTask. Failed to create Spark client for Spark session 2df0eb9a-15b4-4d81-aea1-24b12094bf44

View the hive log according to the required time in the/TMP/Xiaobai path:

cause analysis
prompt timed out waiting for client connection. Indicates that the connection time between hive and spark has timed out

1). Change the spark-env.sh.template file in/opt/module/spark/conf/directory to spark env. Sh , and then add the content export spark_ DIST_ CLASSPATH=$(hadoop classpath)
2). Change hive-site.xml in/opt/module/hive/conf directory to modify the connection time between hive and spark

execute the insert statement again. Success! Cry with joy

I made a mistake last night. I checked it all night and didn’t solve it. As a result, I solved it today.