Tag Archives: eclipse

Kettle Flash Back Error:The graphical interface cannot be opened. There is an ETI installation problem

1. Install JDK (version 1.6 or above)

2. JDK environment variable configuration is shown in the figure (the following values are their own installation directory):

3. For the first error, directly flash back, find the spoon.bat in the data integration directory, right-click Notepad to edit, and find the following code to modify

if "%SPOON_CONSOLE%"=="1" set PENTAHO_JAVA=java.exe
if not "%SPOON_CONSOLE%"=="1" set PENTAHO_JAVA=javaw.exe

change to 

 if "%SPOON_CONSOLE%"=="1" set PENTAHO_JAVA=java.exe
if not "%SPOON_CONSOLE%"=="1" set PENTAHO_JAVA=java.exe

4. If you change the first error and then flash back (modify the memory configuration in spoon.bat)

 if "%PENTAHO_DI_JAVA_OPTIONS%"=="" set PENTAHO_DI_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xms1024m" "-Xmx2048m" "-XX:MaxPermSize=256m"

change to

 if "%PENTAHO_DI_JAVA_OPTIONS%"=="" set PENTAHO_DI_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xms512m" "-Xmx1024m" "-XX:MaxPermSize=256m"

5. If the above errors are corrected, the following occurs:

You need to modify the variable value in spoon.bat

pushd "%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin"
if exist java.exe goto USEJAVAFROMPATH
FOR /F %%a IN ('.\java.exe -version 2^>^&1^|%windir%\system32\find /C "64-Bit"') DO (SET /a IS64BITJAVA=%%a)
FOR /F %%a IN ('java -version 2^>^&1^|%windir%\system32\find /C "64-Bit"') DO (SET /a IS64BITJAVA=%%a)

add a line:(set IS64BITJAVA=1,make them all TRUE)

pushd "%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin"
if exist java.exe goto USEJAVAFROMPATH
FOR /F %%a IN ('.\java.exe -version 2^>^&1^|%windir%\system32\find /C "64-Bit"') DO (SET /a IS64BITJAVA=%%a)
FOR /F %%a IN ('java -version 2^>^&1^|%windir%\system32\find /C "64-Bit"') DO (SET /a IS64BITJAVA=%%a)


7. After the modification is successful, the graphical interface can be opened after saving

About the error of base64decoder reference in eclipse

Problems encountered:

        Pull Maven project from Git   The base64decoder import file appears   But it keeps reporting errors


        After searching for a long time, the solution is probably

                1. Right click the project, build path – & gt; Config Build Path

                2. Select JRE system library to expand and select access rules: no rules define  


                3. Click edit on the right  

                4. Click Add

                5. Modify as shown in the figure  

                6. Then OK   Then save the configuration (it is said on the Internet that it is OK to complete this step, but mine is not successful. Next, follow up operations)

                7. Right click item – & gt; MAVEN —> Update project…..

                Remember to add this item



If there are any questions     Take a look at the JDK version   A search found an article saying  

OK. My problem is solved~

[Solved] Communications–8–Generated resource conflict: two resources of the same name: /Radioxx

  1. Ecplise: Right-click project -> Properties -> C\C++ Build -> Tool Chain Editor.
    Current Builder: choose  ‘Gnu make builder’ -> Apply (or Ok).

    The reason for the problem: the builder that does not support GCC and G++ compilers is selected. ‘CDT internal builder’

Port occupancy error address already in use: bind [Solved]

Port occupancy error address already in use: bind
Open CMD

netstat -ano   View the processes and their port numbers
taskkill /PID 6272 /F Terminate the process with PID 6272

In app_config_Under of the dev.properties folder,


Enter netstat – ano in CMD, find out that the process corresponding to 11111 is 6272
and then enter taskkill/PID 6272/F to terminate the process with PID 6272

An error is reported about import Java. SQL. *; problem

Many people always have this problem during package guide when learning java to connect to MySQL database

The package java.sql is not accessible

This problem is a problem with the Java version. Since java9, Java has become modular. You need to declare the use of the module package in the module file, otherwise you can’t find the class.

In module-info.java   Add requires java.sql; Just

  So the problem is solved

Error in web.xml file: error while downloading

Complete error message: error while downloading‘ http://www.w3.org/2001/xml.xsd ’To C:
\ users \ jarvis5. Lemminx \ cache \ http \ www.w3. ORG \ 2001 \ xml.xsd. It is speculated that there should be an error in the file download path. According to the error information, find the folder under the relevant path. It is found that there are two folders: http and HTTPS, As shown in the figure:
click the two folders and find the file content prompted in the error message (www.w3. Org/2001/XML. XSD) in the HTTPS file, so change the HTTP in the XML file to HTTPS and the error message disappears
before modification:

After modification:

or add & lt; xml-body> tag, the error message disappears:

(the content is for reference only, please point out if there is an error!)

Lamdba in the studio part reports an error. Observe lamdba reports an error but can run


Ordinary lamdba can be used, such as view. Setonclicklistener {}

Some lamdbas are popular but can run, such as livedata. Observe() {}


It’s not because the Java version is backward. I updated the kotlin plug-in to solve this problem

Studio even pops up a warning pop-up window of “plug-in needs to be updated” in the lower right corner, but I ignore it everyday… Try to update the Java version and still can’t solve it before you notice it

An error occurred when starting Tomcat in Eclipse: the sub container failed to start

Recently, I used Tomcat in learning java web. Several projects have been created in the early stage, and Tomcat runs normally. Recently, I felt that there were too many projects, which was a hindrance, so I deleted them from the current workspace. Re create a new project. It is found that Tomcat startup fails with an error:

         Critical: the required service components failed to start, so Tomcat cannot be started
         Org.apache.catalina.lifecycleexception: sub container startup failed

  There is a conf configuration folder under the Tomcat installation directory. Open server.xml and there will be & lt; context …….>

  Each time a new project is added to tomcat, an & lt; context ……>, Just delete all the previous ones.

Only delete the context tag, don’t delete & lt/ Host>

Interpreter error /com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JavaType

In the process of rabbitmq docking, after importing the jar package, errors such as mismatch of jar package version and lack of method are reported during compilation;

Processing method: import the missing jar package


Eclipse Lombok installation error [How to Solve]

Just downloaded from the official website of eclipse to install lombok (manually installed and automatically installed are reported as errors) after opening the java code error: module java.base does not “opens java.lang” to unnamed module
In the eclipse.ini file, add
