using android studio synchronization project, I could not download gradle-3.5.1. Pom, after analyzing the image of aliyun every time, I failed and went to
of Google
result therefore causes the connection to time out
each time
causes this problem because HTTPS causes it, and commenting out HTTPS will solve the problem
file path to be modified: C:\Users\Administrator\.gradle\
Read More:
- [Solved] Android gradle Error: gradle project sync failed. Please fix your project and try again
- android studio Error Gradle project sync failed. Please fix your project and try again
- RTMP_Connect0, failed to connect socket. 110 (Connection timed out)
- Error: Gradle project sync failed. Please fix your project and try again.
- AS3.5 Error gradle project sync failed.Basic functionality(e.g.editing,debugging) will not work
- Gradle sync failed: Sync failed: reason unknown
- 3. Idea creates a springboot project, and spring initializer reports an error Error:connect timed out
- Error: JMeter monitors Linux system performance : Connection timed out: connect
- Android studio “sync project with gradle files” button disappears
- Ubuntu 20.04 GPG: KeyServer receive failed: connection timed out when installing ROS configuration key
- Android Studio sync build.gradle appears: Failed to resolve: problem
- Problem solving: failed to connect to port 443: Operation timed out(2020.06.04)
- A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to ESP32: Timed out waiting for packet header
- A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to ESP32: Timed out waiting for packet header
- Debian/Ubuntu uses proxy for gpg and apt-key-error resolution: gpg: keyserver receive failed: Connection timed out
- gradle sync failed CreateProcess error=267 directory is invalid
- Putty:Network error:Connection timed out
- pycharm Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out
- Failed to connect to ESP32: Timed out waiting for packet header
- Solve gradle project refresh failed