Solve the problem of request method ‘get’ not supported

First of all, the error is most likely caused by the incorrect way the request was made. SpringBoot has three common request methods: @requestmapping, @getmapping, and @postmapping.

    @RequestMapping: This is a general annotation that does not specify a request, so it can accept a series of requests such as POST, GET, PUT, HEAD, etc. @GetMapping: This is the request for GET, the browser default request for this type of request, is short for @RequestMapping(method= requestMethod.get) @PostMapping: This is the request for POST, which is short for @RequestMapping(method=

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again turn head to see this error, literally does not support a get request, see your own annotations to project, it was the wrong

I am a visit by enter the URL address bar, the default is the get method, the annotation to @ RequestMapping is ok, the error is solved.

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