[Solved] Rocketmq error: service not available now, may disk full, CL: 0.95, CQ: 0.95, index: 0.95

Rocketmq reports an error: service not available now, may disk full, CL: 0.95, CQ: 0.95, index: 0.95, may
the error is caused by the large log file in the/store/commitlog folder. Df-h instructs to view the memory occupied by the current disk   By default, rocketmq will treat the ratio of remaining disks less than 75% as insufficient disk space


1. Delete the useless log files in the/store/commitlog folder first

2. Edit/conf/2m-2s-async/broker-a.properties file and add   Diskmaxusedspaceratio = 98. An error will be reported when the disk occupies 98%

3. Check whether other processes occupy a lot of space. My problem is the logstash problem of elk. Just kill the process

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