Module build failed: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir,‘node_modules\node-sass\vend’

Module build failed: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, Scandir ‘F: \ node_modules \ node – sass \ vendor’
at the Object. The readdirSync (fs. Js: 790:3)
at the Object. The getInstalledBinaries (F: \ yihui \ zhejiangnongxin \ zjnx_demo \ WEB_VUE/node_modules/node – sass \ lib \ extensions js: 133:13)
the at foundBinariesList (F: \ yihui \ zhejiangnongxin \ zjnx_demo \ WEB_VUE/node_modules/node – sass \ lib \ errors js: 20:15)
the at foundBinaries (F: \ yihui \ zhejiangnongxin \ zjnx_demo \ WEB_VUE/node_modules/node – sass \ lib \ errors js: mine)
at the Object. The module. Exports. MissingBinary (F: \ yihui \ zhejiangnongxin \ zjnx_demo \ WEB_VUE/node_modules/node – sass \ lib \ errors js: area)
at the module. The exports (F: \ yihui \ zhejiangnongxin \ zjnx_demo \ WEB_VUE/node_modules/node – sass \ lib \ binding js: news)
the at Object. & lt; anonymous> (F: \ yihui \ zhejiangnongxin \ zjnx_demo \ WEB_VUE/node_modules/node – sass \ lib \ index js: soil)
at the Module. The _compile (internal/modules/CJS/loader. Js: 776:30)
at the Object. The Module. _extensions.. Js (internal/modules/CJS/loader. Js: 787:10)
at the Module. The load (internal/modules/CJS/loader. Js: 653:32)
the at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/CJS/loader. Js: 593:12)
the at Function. The Module. _load (internal/modules/CJS/loader. Js: 585:3)
at the Module. The require (internal/modules/CJS/loader. Js: 690:17)
at the require (internal/modules/CJS/helpers. Js: bears)
the at GetDefaultSassImpl (F: \ yihui \ zhejiangnongxin \ zjnx_demo \ WEB_VUE \ node_modules \ sass – loader \ dist \ index js: 198:10)
at the Object. The loader (F:\yihui\zhejiangnongxin\zjnx_demo\WEB_VUE\node_modules\sass-loader\dist\index.js:80:29)

@./node_modules/vue – style – loader! ./node_modules/css-loader?{“sourceMap”:true}! ./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/style-compiler?{“vue”:true,”id”:”data-v-21034f6a”,”scoped”:true,”hasInlineConfig”:false}! ./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js?{“sourceMap”:true}! ./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=styles& index=0! The./SRC/pages/custservice newestProduct/newestProductQuery vue 4:14-407-17:5 and consecrated – 415
@./SRC/pages/custservice newestProduct/newestProductQuery vue.
@/SRC/router/index. The js
@ The./SRC/main js
@ multi (webpack) – dev server/client? webpack/hot/dev – server Babel – polyfill./SRC/main js

the error in the./SRC/pages/custservice valueAddedService/valueAddedServiceManage vue
these are new to a project, NPM install run error!!

the following solution:

1. CD enters the current project node_modules directory

in CMD
2. Run NPM rebuild node-sass

3. Finally run the project

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