Ionic Save to Gallery Plugin IOS Error: Method ‘requestAuthorization:’ not defined in Plugin ‘PhotoLibrary’ ERROR: Method ‘xxx’ not defined

Error in IOS when ionic is saved to the gallery plug-in error: method ‘requestauthorization:’ not defined in plugin ‘photolibrary’ error: method ‘xxx’ not defined in plugin

In IOS, when saving pictures to mobile photo album, the error is as follows

ERROR: Method 'requestAuthorization:' not defined in Plugin 'PhotoLibrary'

FAILED pluginJSON = ["PhotoLibrary815393554","PhotoLibrary","requestAuthorization",[{"write":true,"read":true}]]


cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-photo-library
cordova plugin add

Due to GitHub network problems, you can use the following command

npm install --save @ionic-native/photo-library
cordova plugin add

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