To check the disk space is normal, refer to Oracle Trace cleanup
Root login
Docker exec -it oracle /bin/bash to enter docker
su – oracle
sqlplus /nolog
conn/as sysdba
Set SQLPlus mode to display total number of rows/width of rows (current connection in effect) :
show pagesize; View the current PageSize
show linesize; View the current linesize width
set pagesize 300;
set linesize 2000;
Modify the installation directory glogin. SQL file (permanent) :
set pagesize 300;
set linesize 1000;
SELECT * FROM dba_data_files;
SELECT * FROM dba_free_space;
View the tablespace
col Tablespace_Name format a20
col total format a15
col used format a15
col unUsed format a15
col rate format a15
col file_name format a100
The SELECT a.F ILE_ID, a.T ablespace_Name, a.T otal | | ‘M’ total, (a.T otal – b.u nUsed) | | ‘M’, informs, b.u nUsed | | ‘M’ unUsed, Round ((a.T otal – b.u nUsed)/a.T otal * 100, 2) | | ‘%’ rate, a.F ile_name
From (Select FILE_ID,Tablespace_Name,Round(bytes/1024/1024,2) total,file_name FROM dba_data_files) a
LEFT JOIN (SELECT FILE_ID ,Round(sum(blocks*8192/1020/1024),2) unUsed FROM dba_free_space GROUP BY FILE_ID) b ON a.FILE_ID=b.FILE_ID
ORDER BY (( desc;
Alter database datafile ‘/dbdata/bossdb/data/web_db001.dbf’ resize 15000m;
The alter database datafile ‘/ ora/oradata/radius/undo. DBF’ resize 1024 m;
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE ‘C :\SmartDB01.ora’ AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 200M; // Automatically increase 200M each time
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE ‘c:\ smartdb01.ora ‘AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 200M MAXSIZE 1024M; // The maximum value of the data table is not more than 1G
— Check single table occupancy
The select segment_name, Round (bytes/1024/1024, 2) | | ‘M’, informs the from dba_segments where the owner = USER order by bytes asc
Root login
Docker exec -it oracle /bin/bash to enter docker
su – oracle
sqlplus /nolog
conn/as sysdba
Set SQLPlus mode to display total number of rows/width of rows (current connection in effect) :
show pagesize; View the current PageSize
show linesize; View the current linesize width
set pagesize 300;
set linesize 2000;
Modify the installation directory glogin. SQL file (permanent) :
set pagesize 300;
set linesize 1000;
SELECT * FROM dba_data_files;
SELECT * FROM dba_free_space;
View the tablespace
col Tablespace_Name format a20
col total format a15
col used format a15
col unUsed format a15
col rate format a15
col file_name format a100
The SELECT a.F ILE_ID, a.T ablespace_Name, a.T otal | | ‘M’ total, (a.T otal – b.u nUsed) | | ‘M’, informs, b.u nUsed | | ‘M’ unUsed, Round ((a.T otal – b.u nUsed)/a.T otal * 100, 2) | | ‘%’ rate, a.F ile_name
From (Select FILE_ID,Tablespace_Name,Round(bytes/1024/1024,2) total,file_name FROM dba_data_files) a
LEFT JOIN (SELECT FILE_ID ,Round(sum(blocks*8192/1020/1024),2) unUsed FROM dba_free_space GROUP BY FILE_ID) b ON a.FILE_ID=b.FILE_ID
ORDER BY (( desc;
Alter database datafile ‘/dbdata/bossdb/data/web_db001.dbf’ resize 15000m;
The alter database datafile ‘/ ora/oradata/radius/undo. DBF’ resize 1024 m;
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE ‘C :\SmartDB01.ora’ AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 200M; // Automatically increase 200M each time
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE ‘c:\ smartdb01.ora ‘AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 200M MAXSIZE 1024M; // The maximum value of the data table is not more than 1G
— Check single table occupancy
The select segment_name, Round (bytes/1024/1024, 2) | | ‘M’, informs the from dba_segments where the owner = USER order by bytes asc
Read More:
- Oracle quick replacement undo table space method
- db2 Database Error: table space access is not allowed
- 1093 – You can’t specify target table ‘table’ for update in FROM clause
- (element UI component table) how to add a style to a table
- Errors in IntelliJ ieeasql statements and table names in @ table
- Error 1146 (42s02): table ‘database name. Table name’ doesn’t exist ‘
- An error occurred when opensips started the service“ ERROR:core :db_ check_ table_ Version: invalid version 7 for Table dialog found “
- Solve to the cache because there was insufficient free space available after evict
- mysql ERROR 1050 (42S01): Table already exists
- Insufficient space in the root directory causes the state of the managed server to become FAILED_NOT_RESTARTABLE
- Error 945 Database cannot be opened due to inaccessible files or insufficient memory or disk space
- Tomcat Error: because there was insufficient free space available after evicting expired cache entries
- How can Oracle query tables of other users without adding a table user name
- Solution of insufficient memory space or desktop stack in GX works2
- Lua — using remove to delete table data
- Datagrip import & export table structure and data
- DB2 table annotation pull
- MySQL partitions the existing tables of the data table
- Mac USB error 3: Unable to claim interface: Access denied (insufficient permissions)
- You can’t specify target table ‘car’ for update in from clause