Error: l6242e: cannot link object arm_ cos_ f32.o as its attributes are incompat

report errors

I use AC6 as the compiler in keil MDK. I report an error when I transplant DSP library to F4. I configure it according to the online tutorial and report an error after compiling

Error: L6242E: Cannot link object arm_common_tables.o as its attributes are incompatible with the image attributes.
Error: L6242E: Cannot link object arm_cos_f32.o as its attributes are incompatible with the image attributes.

After searching on the Internet for a circle, I found no result. If I see a similar problem, I can’t try to solve it.


Finally, we found the answer on arm’s official developer website

in the end
In short, AC5 and 6 wchar_ The default size of T is not the same

according to the solution of the official website, you can open this option here

if you encounter problems in the future, you still need to find answers through official channels

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