CUDA Visual Studio Integration Installation failed

To sum up, the first possible reason for the failure of cuda installation is the graphics driver problem (it is obvious that the surface driver problem is mentioned in this tip), and the other reason is that cuda has not been unmounted cleanly. After the update of the graphics driver, cuda failed to load, and only reinstall cuda
uninstall cuda first. I tried to install CUDA again, but the error of “CUDa Visual Studio Integration Installation failure” appeared during the Installation. I had been looking for a long time but could not find the Installation log of CUDa. Turned over an article speculation may be associated with nsight integrated debugging tools in vs.
then uninstall the

finally cuda can be installed correctly. This tool was always supposed to be installed by myself, but later I reinstalled it and found that It must be installed when I installed CUDA. Of course, I may cancel this thing in the configuration options when Installing CUDA.

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