Error Messages:
caused: errCode: 500, errMsg: do metadata operation failed ;caused: The Raft Group [naming_instance_metadata] did not find the Leader node;caused: The Raft Group [naming_instance_metadata] did not find the Leader node;
caused: errCode: 500, errMsg: do metadata operation failed ;caused: The Raft Group [naming_instance_metadata] did not find the Leader node;caused: The Raft Group [naming_instance_metadata] did not find the Leader node;
caused: errCode: 500, errMsg: do metadata operation failed ;caused: The Raft Group [naming_instance_metadata] did not find the Leader node;caused: The Raft Group [naming_instance_metadata] did not find the Leader node;
The reason for the error is the registered Ip or something confusing
1. Stop nacos first,
2. Delete the protocol folder in the data directory,
3. reboot. Done!
The reason for the error is the registered Ip or something confusing
1. Stop nacos first,
2. Delete the protocol folder in the data directory,
3. reboot. Done!
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