In the evening, when I was studying in hefei, a lab sent me QQ and asked me a drawing question in R language. It required the numerical value to be added on the bar chart. I tried it, but instead of solving it with R, I used EXCEL instead, and pretend bility was not reduced.
But anyway,
But anyway,
> library("ggplot2") Error in loadNamespace(j <- i[[1L]], c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[j]]) : 不存在叫‘munsell’这个名字的程辑包 In addition: Warning message: 程辑包‘ggplot2’是用R版本3.2.3 来建造的 Error: ‘ggplot2’程辑包或名字空间载入失败,
This error is caused by not installing Munsell packages. Just install. Packages (“munsell”) in the console
Read More:
- Error in loadNamespace(name) : there is no package called ‘yaml’
- Could not find artifact org.olap4j:olap4j:pom: in alimaven
- R:Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for ‘rJava’, details: call: dyn.load(file, DLLpa
- SLF4J:Failed to load class “org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder”
- SLF4J: Failed to load class “org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder“.
- SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
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- In idea, @ slf4j is used to report an error, but log is not found
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- log4j:ERROR
- QuickFIX/J100% Java Open Source FIX Engine
- Eclipse cannot import org.apache.log4j .Logger
- ERROR StatusLogger No Log4j 2 configuration file found
- About error statuslogger no log4j2 configuration file found
- ERROR StatusLogger No log4j2 configuration file found.
- Failed startup of context o.e.j.w WebAppContext@532aaf8a {/admin,file:/D:/Develop/activeM
- IntelliJ idea startup error: error statuslogger log4j2 could not find a logging implementation
- When using exe4j to generate exe executable file from jar, no JVM could be found on your system exception appears