[unable to read project file xxxxx, XXX failed to load project file, name cannot start with “<" character (hex value 0x3c)] exception handling method

Recently, I took over a new project. I downloaded the source code from SVN server to local. When I opened it with visual studio, I reported this exception at the moment of opening it.

Loading D: \% project \% SVN\ xx.csproj …

D:\Project\SVN\ xxx.csproj : error: unable to read project file“ xxx.csproj ”。

D:\Project\SVN\ xxx.csproj (20,2): failed to load project file. The name cannot start with the “& lt;” character (hex value 0x3c). Line 20, position 2.

Then, according to the prompt, I found the position of line 20. Sure enough, there are some problems here.

This is caused by something wrong with SVN. SVN version control software will add content to the csproj file. There should be something wrong with one step.

Solution: in the csproj file, find the problem line, and then delete it from line 20 to line 26.

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