[Tomcat] an error is reported when Tomcat starts ERROR:transport error 202:bind failed:Address already

Software testing technology exchange group: 429183023

A service of the test environment, which was good last week, suddenly couldn’t get up this week. I’m very puzzled.

But because of the test environment, the development was not very attentive, so I decided to solve it by myself. After observing the Catalina log, it is found that an error is reported

Tomcat start error ERROR:transport error 202:bind failed:Address already

So check it out start.sh File to see if there is a wrong address. When you see the remote debugging, you add a listening port, and the remote debugging of another service is also listening to this port before, so this port conflicts. The service can’t get up all the time. Delete – Xdebug- Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_ Socket, suspend = n, server = y, address = * * * *, perfect solution.

This admonishes us, because there are many services, when debugging a service remotely, we must restore the scene after debugging it!!! Because the test environment is shared, if someone else also uses this port for remote debugging, it will be GG

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