Tag Archives: other

Repair connection: an internal error has occurred in windowsserver2016

Repair 01: remote desktop settings

Open the start menu and type remote desktop connection, and then open it. Click the display options button at the bottom. Then go to the experience tab. At the bottom of this tab, there is an option “if the connection is discarded, reconnect.”. Make sure it is checked.

Fix # 02: reestablish connection to domain

We have disconnected to fix this problem and can reconnect to the domain. To do this:

    open the start menu and go to settings. Go to the accounts tab and select the access to work or school tab. Select the domain that you are connected to, and then disconnect from it. Restart your PC and rejoin the domain. Check that the RDP still displays the error

    Fix # 03: change RDP settings in Group Policy Editor

    Step 1: open your start menu and type edit group policy to open it.

    Step 2: follow the following path:

    Computer configuration, management templates, windows components, remote desktop services, Remote Desktop Session host security

    Step 3: double click the “need to use a specific security layer for remote (RDP) connection” option, and then set it to enabled.

    Step 4: right below this option, you’ll see the “security layer.”. Select RDP for this option. Be sure to save your changes and restart your computer.

    Fix # 04: network level authentication

    If a computer is configured to access another computer on the remote desktop, network level authentication or NLA may be the cause of this problem as long as NLA is enabled on the other computer. Therefore, by disabling NLA, we can get rid of this problem:

      right click this PC on the desktop, and then click properties. Now go to the remote settings tab. Be sure to uncheck allow connections to remote desktop computers with network level authentication only. Save the changes

      Fix: Remote Desktop Connection Service

      Open the start menu and type run. Type “service. MSc” in the window and click “enter”. Find Remote Desktop Services, right-click it, and then stop it. Wait a few seconds and restart it.

      These are some proven ways to fix internal errors in Windows remote desktop. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Error running ‘** [install]‘: No valid Maven installation found. Either set the home director

Problem situation

In idea, Maven could not be packaged. This error was reported
error running ‘* * [install]’: no valid Maven installation found. Neither set the home director

Cause of the problem

1. The environment variables of mavden are not configured properly,
2. The Maven path is not configured correctly in idea


The first solution is to configure the environment variable of mavden: m2_ Home = Maven installation path add% M2_ HOME%;
2 and enter Maven in the search box. For example, my Maven path is D: bigdata, bigdataone, datacourseware (1): maven, apache-maven-3.2.2

search my computer for Apache maven, get your file path, import it and click OK

error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file o

Lack of shared library, with root permission:
1. Find the installation package:
Yum whatprovides libstdc + +. So. 6

2. Install: Yum – y install libstdc+ ± 4.8.5-44.el7.i686

If you don’t have root permission, you can only install it manually:
1. Download the corresponding RPM file libstdc+ ± 4.8.5-44. EL7. I686. RPM
Add Link description

2. Send it to the server and decompress it:
directly decompress it in the user’s root directory: rpm2cpio libstdc+ ± 4.8.5-44.el7.i686.rpm | CPIO – idvm
after decompressing, the usr directory will be generated in the root directory

3. Configure environment variables (some of them are not effective at the beginning, but they are effective as follows for reference):

Error in installing Google Chrome in Ubuntu

Problem description

Prepare to install Google browser in Ubuntu, open the installation after downloading and find that it cannot be installed normally, and prompt “this software is from a third party and may contain non free components”, as follows:


Install third party software solutions:

    gdebi installation

    sudo apt install gdebi-core 
      if it can’t be installed, try to change the source and execute first

      sudo apt-get update
        find the location of the downloaded Google browser installation package, and then execute:

        sudo gdebi xxx.deb

        Xxx.deb is the package name

C++ Error: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::out_of_range: vector Abort trap: 6

Toss about for a long time, finally clear the specific reason!
According to the exception prompt, vector is out of bounds, but it has not been located to which vector variable for a long time.
Write the class printf before and after the interrupt position, find the interrupted function, and print inside the function, only to find that the function doesn’t go in at all. It’s strange how you can’t go back in, no other thread, no other place to cause a crash. At this point, I should have thought to check the input of the function earlier. If the input is not correct, the function cannot enter. However, I have never encountered the situation that the input causes the function to not enter, so I did not think to check the input.
The input is a vector type, and the error is due to a problem with the access method.
Vector has a variety of access methods, which can be accessed directly in the way of array, such as VEC variable, VEC [0], or at(), vec.AT (0). There are differences between the two approaches. If veC happens to be empty, accessing the 0th element as an array will not be considered wrong, but the second access using the at method will result in the above error!!

How to generate lib library with keil MDK and use lib Library

reference resources: https://xiaopengzhen.blog.csdn.net/article/details/90036247?utm_ medium= distribute.pc_ relevant.none -task-blog-2%7Edefault%7EBlogCommendFromMachineLearnPai2%7Edefault-4.control&dist_ request_ id=1331647.11602.16183926662894565&depth_ 1-utm_ source= distribute.pc_ relevant.none -task-blog-2%7Edefault%7EBlogCommendFromMachineLearnPai2%7Edefault-4.control


1. Organize the source files to be compiled and encapsulate the interface.

2. Add the source file to the MDK project, for example:

3. Setting in MDK: check create library and set the file name of Lib library

4. Compile and view the output file.

5. How to use it will not be repeated.


Solution to build error in Vue project (error in static/JS)/vendor.xxxxx.js from UglifyJs)

The project that has been running very well suddenly reported an error in build. The error message is as follows:

ERROR in static/js/vendor.f1c68aa2d5e85847d30e.js from UglifyJs
Unexpected token name «i», expected punc «;» [./node_modules/element-ui/src/utils/merge.js:2,0][static/js/vendor.f1c68aa2d5e85847d30e.js:17064,11]
Build failed with errors.

In uglifyjs’ GitHub issues # 78, we found such a solution: because uglifyjs only supports Es5, and element UI may introduce a part of the writing of ES6, so webpack packaging fails. The final solution given in issue is to replace uglify JS with uglify es of beta version (beta version introduces support for es2015 +). You need to execute the command NPMI - D in the front-end working directory uglifyjs-webpack-plugin@beta

However, after trying, we found that the problem of build error is still unsolved. After searching for the problem, we decided to use bable to parse the element UI. To complete this operation, we only need to modify the build error in the front-end folder/ webpack.base.conf The. JS file can be modified as follows:
before modification

module: {
rules: [
test: /\.js$/,
loader: 'babel-loader',
include: [resolve('src'), resolve('test')]

After modification


module: {
rules: [
test: /\.js$/,
loader: 'babel-loader',//Note that elementUI's source code needs to be parsed using ES6
include: [resolve('src'), resolve('test'),resolve('/node_modules/element-ui/src'),resolve('/node_modules/element-ui/packages')]

It is equivalent to adding element UI to the package that needs to be parsed by Babel.

After that, execute NPM run build again, and the build is successful.

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_ CACHE_ READ_ Failure solution

When using elasticsearch word segmentation plug-in, kibana is used as the client management, and an error kibana did not load properly. Check the server output for more information

Failed to load resource: Net:: err_ CACHE_ READ_ FAILURE。 Cache read failed.

The reason is that I cleared the browser’s cache before and restarted the computer, which resulted in kibana’s failure to read the cache.

Solution: force the browser cache to refresh again.