Tag Archives: lua

How to Solve Mac installation luajit error

Install luajit today. After downloading the file, run the mak é command and keep reporting this error

tips on the official website:
note for OSX: if the MacOSX_ DEPLOYMENT_ TARGET environment variable is not set, then it’s forced to 10.4.

So the solution: set the environment variable


If the error is still reported, it may be that there is no package of 10.15 locally. Replace 10.15 with the version of the cost machine SDK. To see the SDK version of this machine, run the following command:

cd /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs

[Solved] lua error: no resolver defined to resolve

Use the rest.http module to request no resolver defined to resolve, the error log prompts attempt to index local 'resp', and the code is as follows.

local resp, err = httpc:request_uri("http://xxx.com",{method = "GET",keepalive = false}) 
	ngx.say(  err)

Solution: add DNS configuration, and add resolver configuration in conf configuration file. As shown in the figure below