Tag Archives: HTML5

An error happened during template parsing (template: “class path resource

1. Error explanation: an error occurred during template parsing (template: “classpath resource”

As the name suggests, the reason for the error is that this indicates the resource

2. Solution: I don’t know what your mistake is, just tell you the reason for the mistake.

Open run first,


  Right click to clear this page,


  Refresh the error page, and the error message will be displayed in run, as shown in the following figure:


  According to the error information, find the error code, find the corresponding problem and modify it.


Solution to dev C + + error [error] LD returned 1 exit status

        I am a beginner of C language. When using dev C + + compiler, I encountered a situation: the program is correct and can be compiled and run normally, but it appears when I run it again after running it once   Error [error] LD returned 1 exit status. The reason for this problem is that although the last running window is closed, the program is still running in the background. This can be viewed through the task manager.

      The usual method on the Internet is to close the program and then open it. This is OK, but it is too inconvenient. Here is a method. I used this method to solve my problem:


Right click the compatibility attribute of devcpp.exe and check the run as administrator.     Just.

[Solved] Error in mounted hook: “Error: please transfer a valid prop

I’m writing today_ This error is encountered during the item loop, and it is recorded; I probably wrote this to test a page

then the form loop will be used,
at the beginning, it is in form_ It was written directly in item. Finally, when I reset the form, I found that I couldn’t reset it. Then I added a layer of form item to El input. I also inquired about the relevant errors on the Internet and found that they were generally: prop = “‘item. ‘+ index +’. Index2 ‘” and so on, but my problem was not solved. The error was still reported, and the form still couldn’t be reset
consider it slowly at this time. In fact, it is an array loop. Then we will get the accurate value to eliminate this error

        v-for="(order_award, index) in form.award_config.order_award
        style="margin-bottom: 0"
          <el-row :gutter="12" type="flex">
            <el-col :span="4" v-if="!(form.award_config.award_type == 1)">
              <el-form-item label-width="0" :prop="'award_config.order_award.order_award_list['+index+'].order_count'">
                <el-card shadow="never" class="reward_content_card">
                  style="margin-right: 5px; font-size: 14px"
                ><br />
                <span class="input_unit"></span>
                  class="reward_content_padding reward_content_input"
                <div class="input_unit"></div>

Mainly this code


Take the detailed value location to solve the error.

SyntaxError: (unicode error) ‘unicodeescape‘ codec can‘t decode bytes in position 2-3: truncated \UX

…2222312; and 20064; and to authenticauthenticauthenticauthenticauthenticauthenticauthenticauthenticauthenticauthenticauthenticauthenticauthenticauthenticauthenticauthenticauthenticauthenticauthenticauthenticauthentic2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222220; and to your 20340; and to 382382382; and to 38203822222222222220; and to 3823820;.382222222222222220;.1997992;65292. usr/bin/python3
35;–coding: UTF-8
import os, sys


fd = os.open(“C:Users\ericDesktoppythonfoot.txt”, os.o.o. RDWR 124os.o. CREAT)


d o u fd= os.dup(fd)

.20351; -29992; -22797; -21046; -30340; -20214; -2551; -36848; -31526; -20889; -20837;*

os.write(d.u fd, “This is test”.encode())


closerange(fd, d.u.fd)

print (“20851;”38381;”25152;”26377;”20214;”25104;”21151!!”

File, line 6.br> fd.open(“C:Users s\eric\Desktoppython\foot.txt”, as.O.R.WR124.o.o.CREAT
SyntaxErro: (unicoerror)’unicodeescapcan’codecan’t decodes in 2-3-3-position: trun244..23601;-26159;65306;SyntaxError:-652881;unicorn 38169;-3582365289; ‘Unico-Scape’int32534;’352991.30721;’222212080;’and.35861;’3072122222-30120013;’30340;* and 33410410;6530630130000;’260290290;UX br>382;’39064;’280-78530630620303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030663;.xx26159;65292;x24517;.21435;.25481;.36716;.20041;20.br>26041;.27861;.19968;6530630621152;r242437821046;’2121991;.e36716;.20016;.20041;and 20999999990;.26041;.26041;.222222222222209999999999999999999999996;;;;,1963063066306669666669999999999999999999996ericDesktoppythonfoot.txt”, os.o. RDWR 124s.o.o. CREAT
26041; 27861; 653062.
fd open(“C:Users\eric Desktoppythonfoot.txt o.O.R.R.124s.O.CREAT
19977;65306;27491;<26012;<464;<27861 br> fd.open(“C:/Users/eric/Desktop/python/foot.txt”), O.b.

[Solved] Uni.createintersectionobserver Error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘bottom’ of null

Error content

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'bottom' of null
    at a (chunk-vendors.js:319)
    at chunk-vendors.js:319
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at IntersectionObserver.s.<computed>.IntersectionObserver.root (chunk-vendors.js:319)

the listening element cannot be found
PS: it seems that it only appears from the H5 platform

in the hide and unload life cycle of the page, cancel listening to elements

onUnload: function(){

Judge whether the element exists during listening, and clear the last listening

Vue.prototype.$lazyImg = function(fn){
	this.observer.disconnect();//The previous ones must be cleared. Otherwise, elements that have been loaded will still be listened to, or if the listened to elements disappear, an error will be reported
	uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this).selectAll('.lazy').boundingClientRect(data => {
		if(data.length > 0){//If there is no lazy element on the page, it will report an error directly, which is really fucking outrageous!
			this.observer.observe('.lazy', (res) => {
				if(res.intersectionRatio > 0){//sometimes, intersectionRatio is undefined

The browser reported an error ‘stylesheets undefined’‘‘

Problem Description:

The browser reported an error of ‘stylesheets undefined’

this.sheetData.styleSheets = "";

Cause analysis:

In some scenarios, stylesheets do not exist, causing the browser to report an error and are not defined


Add a judgment. If stylesheets does not exist, this attribute will be automatically added and null value will be assigned.

if (this.sheetData) {
      this.sheetData['styleSheets'] = "";

After Vue is packaged, a blank page appears, an error is reported in the resource request, and there is no error handling scheme

1、 A blank page appears and an error is reported

        Scheme I:

                 1: The path of JS and CSS resources is incorrect

                 Solution: add assetspublicpath in config/index.js: ‘/’   Change to assetspublicpath: ‘. /’  

                 2: Error in background image in CSS

                 Solution: add a line of code in build/utils.js   publicPath:’../../’  

        Scheme 2: some people may create Vue basic projects through hbuilder. There are no files in scheme 1 in the directory. Then you can try the scheme at this time. It’s easy to use on my side. I’m not sure everyone is effective.

                Solution: create the vue.config.js file in the project root directory


  The contents of the document are as follows:

module.exports = {
    publicPath : './'

2、 Blank page, no resource error

        At this time, the problem may be caused by the routing mode

  history :

The new pushstate () and replacestate () methods in HTML5 history interface are utilized. (specific browser support is required) these two methods are applied to the browser’s history stack. On the basis of the existing back, forward and go, they provide the function of modifying the history. Only when they perform modification, although the current URL is changed, the browser will not immediately send a request to the back end.


The default route of Vue is hash mode. You can modify it to hash. Or directly comment out mode: ‘history’,

Conclusion: the above is the relevant information I know. If any boss knows other questions, you can leave a message and learn together.


[Solved] Git Clone Failed Error: 4069 bytes of body are still expected

clone warn: clone failed
Error Message:
4:07 PM    Clone failed
4069 bytes of body are still expected
fetch-pack: unexpected disconnect while reading sideband packet
early EOF
fetch-pack: invalid index-pack output
Show details in console


Modify git’s cache
git config –global http.postBuffer 1024M
Note: The exact value is set according to the actual download package size

Error in legal external terminal in ANSYS electronics desktop

report errors     Illegal external terminal ‘CoilTerminal1’: An external terminal must border the edge of the problem region and coincides with the surface of a 3D object

Solution: the surface of the excitation port you set (that is, where the current flows in and out) should coincide with the vacuum package you set (that is, the surface of the region).

How to solve the problem of “please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary” when git merges branches?


1. In case of the above situation, press the “ese” exit key in the upper left corner of the keyboard
2. Enter “: WQ”, pay attention to the colon in English input status, and then press “enter”( I think this method is good. What does “WQ” mean???Learn Linux operating system command: mandatory write file and exit.)

JS bug Log Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘previoustSibling‘ of null

The program code is:

 <!DOCTYPE html>
<head lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Visit the Dangdang shopping cart page node</title>
    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/cartStyle.css" />

<div class="content">
    <div class="logo">
        <img src="images/dd_logo.jpg"><span onclick="close_plan();">close</span>
    <div class="cartList" id="cartList">
            <li>¥<input type="text" name="price" value="21.90"></li>
            <li><input type="button" name="minus" value="-" onclick="minus(0);"><input type="text" name="amount" value="1"><input type="button" name="plus" value="+" onclick="plus(0);"></li>
            <li id="price0">¥21.90</li>
            <li><p  onclick="collection();">add</p><p onclick="del();">del</p></li>
            <li>¥<input type="text" name="price" value="24.00"></li>
            <li><input type="button" name="minus" value="-" onclick="minus(1);"><input type="text" name="amount" value="1"><input type="button" name="plus" value="+" onclick="plus(1);"></li>
            <li id="price1">¥24.00</li>
            <li><p  onclick="collection();">add</p><p onclick="del();">del</p></li>
            <li id="totalPrice">&nbsp;</li>
            <li><span onclick="accounts()">payout</span></li>
    <div id="money"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/shopping.js">

<script type="text/javascript">
	function accounts(){
	     var num1=document.getElementById("cartList").firstChild.lastChild.previoustSibling.innerHTML;
		 var num2=document.getElementById("cartList").firstChild.nextSibling.lastChild.previousSibling.innerHTML;
		 var num3=document.getElementById("totalPrice").innerHTML;
		 var num4="Information about your current purchase is as follows:<br/>White Rock:White says: "+num1+"<br/>Island Bookstore: "+num2+"<br/>Total items:"+num3;

Display error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'previoustSibling' of null
    at accounts (shopping.html:39)
    at HTMLSpanElement.onclick (shopping.html:29)

Error reason: unable to read space

add element to the get node in function accounts()

The correct function code is:

function accounts(){
	     var num1=document.getElementById("cartList").firstElementChild.lastElementChild.previousElementSibling.innerHTML;
		 var num2=document.getElementById("cartList").firstElementChild.nextElementSibling.lastElementChild.previousElementSibling.innerHTML;
		 var num3=document.getElementById("totalPrice").innerHTML;
		 var num4="Information about your current purchase is as follows:<br/>White Rock:White says: "+num1+"<br/>Island Bookstore: "+num2+"<br/>Total items:"+num3;