Tag Archives: Anaconda machine learning environment configuration

To solve Anaconda error: command error out with exit status 1

Development environment:

win10 x64





1. PIP error: cannot open D: anaconda3/scripts/pip- script.py

2. PIP switches domestic sources

3. Solve SciPy error: importerror: cannot import name ‘show_ config’ from ‘numpy’ (unknown location) 

4. Solve the problem of error: command error out with exit status 1

5. After installing scikit learn, it can be imported, but the running error is: importerror: DLL load failed: the specified program cannot be found




This error is due to the dependency package version is too high (too new).

Phenomenon restore: install scikit learn with anaconda, and then install Matplotlib to report the above error.

Solution: the installed version of Matplotlib is too high, and it can be solved by reducing the version.



However, this is not the end. Generally, scikit learn installed with the CONDA command may import normally, but it is easy to report an error when using it

The solution is to uninstall sklearn, and then use pip to install it again. However, if you directly use the PIP install scikit learn command to install it, there may be errors, and the process of installing again will be very complicated


After installing sklearn, it can be imported normally, but an error is reported


Welcome to my personal blog: the road of machine learning


PIP installation error: Microsoft Visual C + + 14.0 is required perfect solution

In the process of using Python development, we often need to install various modules, but we often encounter various errors in the installation process, such as: error: Microsoft Visual C + + 14.0 is required, this error is due to the lack of C + + compiler components.

There are two solutions to this problem

One is to directly download the corresponding wheel file for installation, providing three download addresses:

Tsinghua download (domestic site, fast speed) https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple/pip/

Official download: https://pypi.org/project/face-recognition/1.0.0/#files

Python package https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/

Another solution is to install the missing components.

As for the second solution, I believe most people will download a visual studio 201x and install it as I used to. However, installing a vs takes up a lot of space, not to mention the key. Some people find it useless after installation, which is really irritating.

After all kinds of search, it was found that the C + + runtime provided by the government can be directly installed, which can be solved perfectly. The address is Microsoft Visual C + + build tools 2015


After downloading, double-click run to install with default settings. After the installation, go to PIP install XXX to show that the installation is successful.


Welcome to my personal blog: the road of machine learning

PIP installation error: error: Microsoft Visual c++ 14.0 is required perfect solution

In the process of using Python development, it is often necessary to install various modules, but in the process of installation, various errors are often encountered. For example, error: error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required. This error is due to the lack of C++ compiler components.
There are two solutions to this error
One is to directly download the corresponding WHEEL file for installation and provide three download addresses:
Tsinghua download (domestic site, faster) : https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple/pip/
The official download: https://pypi.org/project/face-recognition/1.0.0/#files
Python package: https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/
Another solution is to install the missing component.
For the second solution, I believe most people will download a Visual Studio 201X and install it, as I did before. However, installing a VS takes up a lot of space, not to say the key, but it is still unusable after installation, which is really annoying.
After a variety of search, later found that you can directly install the official C++ runtime can be a perfect solution, leave an address: Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools 2015
Double-click to run after downloading and install using default Settings. After the installation is complete, proceed to PIP Install XXX to indicate a successful installation.

Welcome to my personal blog: The Road to Machine Learning