In the process of learning ES6, an error is reported when and running JavaScript files, which is reproduced in detail
1. Create a new file, add test es, and use idea to open the folder
2. Add package.json file: NPM init – y
3. Create a new test.js file in the folder test-es, the contents of which are as follows
let a = 1111
let b = 2222
var c = function(){
function ddd(){
function eeeeee5(){
export {
eeeeee5 as eee, //The way to rename: name eeeeeeee as eee, you can output the same variable or method with different names
eeeeee5 as e5 // rename the way: name eeeeee as eee, you can output the same variable or method with a different name
4. Right click and click Run ‘test.JS’, the error is reported as follows:
According to the error message, in package JSON add “type”: “module”, and then run test.JS file, no error will be reported
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