[Solved] vueCli 4.x Upgrade to 5.x Error: Progress Plugin Invalid Options

Running the compile command after upgrading vueCli 4.x to 5.x may result in the following error:

ERROR  ValidationError: Progress Plugin Invalid Options
        options should NOT have additional properties
        options should NOT have additional properties
        options should NOT have additional properties
        options should pass "instanceof" keyword validation
        options should match exactly one schema in oneOf

This may be caused by the inconsistency between the locally installed version of webpack and the version of vue-cli.


1. Check if the webpack version in node_modules is also upgraded to version 5.x. If not, upgrade to version 5.x.

2. Check if the devServer in vue.config.js has overlay configuration, this configuration will be incompatible in vue-cli 5.x version, you have to remove it, otherwise it will also report an error when running

3. delete the wrong node_modules and package-lock.json

4. Clear npm cache: npm cache clean –force

5. reinstall the dependencies: npm install


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