[Solved] sparkSQL Error: WARN TaskMemoryManager: Failed to allocate a page (bytes), try again.


Recently, when running sparksql, I frequently print logs and report errors in the middle of execution:

WARN TaskMemoryManager: Failed to allocate a page (104876 bytes), try again.
WARN TaskMemoryManager: Failed to allocate a page (104876 bytes), try again.


There is not enough memory to perform tasks, and resources need to be recycled frequently


1. Optimize SQL scripts. (preferred, that’s how I solved it at that time)
2. Increase driver memory, — driver memory 6g

My SQL at that time was simplified as follows:

select name 
from stu
where id in (select id from in_stu);

Stu data volume is 800W, in_stu data volume is 1.2kW

Optimized as:

select name 
from stu
where id in (select distinct id from in_stu);

after optimization, The data volume of In_stu ID is reduced to 11 W, and the problem is solved.

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