[Solved] Error: no “print“ mailcap rules found for type “text/plain“

Blog background

The author has always wanted to understand how to use the Print command under Linux?

Direct Print hello. TXT will report an error

Error: no "print" mailcap rules found for type "text/plain"

Specific operation

ubuntu@139:~/temp $ cat /etc/mailcap | egrep print
application/x-troff-man; /usr/bin/nroff -mandoc -Tutf8; copiousoutput; print=/usr/bin/nroff -mandoc -Tutf8 | print text/plain:-
text/troff; /usr/bin/nroff -mandoc -Tutf8; copiousoutput; print=/usr/bin/nroff -mandoc -Tutf8 | print text/plain:-
text/plain; view %s; edit=vim %s; compose=vim %s; test=test -x /usr/bin/vim; print=cat %s; needsterminal
application/x-tar; /bin/tar tvf '%s'; print=/bin/tar tvf - | print text/plain:-; copiousoutput
application/x-gtar; /bin/tar tvf '%s'; print=/bin/tar tvf - | print text/plain:-; copiousoutput
application/x-ustar; /bin/tar tvf '%s'; print=/bin/tar tvf - | print text/plain:-; copiousoutput
ubuntu@139:~/temp $ ls
hello  hi.txt
ubuntu@139:~/temp $ cat hi.txt 
ubuntu@139:~/temp $ print hi.txt 

This is the situation after I edit the mailcap file. Pay attention to this line

text/plain; view %s; edit=vim %s; compose=vim %s; test=test -x /usr/bin/vim; print=cat %s; needsterminal

That is, just add a print command rule after text/plain, which is so simple.

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