Solve “error: failed to commit transaction” in arch Linux

if you are suffering from the same problem, here is a quick solution. — Sk

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The author | Sk

|DarkSun (lujun9972)???83.0 contributions: 318 days

self update Arch Linux desktop has been for a month. Today I tried to update my Arch Linux system, and encountered an error “Error: failed to commit Transaction (conflicting files) STFL: /usr/lib/ exists in Filesystem”. It appears that Pacman was unable to update a library that already exists on the file system (/usr/lib/ If you have the same problem, here’s a quick solution.

resolves the “error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)”

in Arch Linux
There are three ways to do


1. Simply ignore the STFL library that caused the problem during the upgrade and try to update the system again. See this guide to learn how [1] can be ignored when updated.

2. Override this package with the command:

  1. $ sudo pacman -Syu --overwrite /usr/lib/

3. Manually delete the STFL library and upgrade the system again. Make sure that the target package is not dependent on any other significant package. You can check if there is a conflict by going to

  1. $ sudo rm /usr/lib/

now, try updating the system:

  1. $ sudo pacman -Syu

I choose the third method, directly delete the file and upgrade the Arch Linux system. It will work!

hope you found this article helpful. There’s more good stuff. Stay tuned!



the author: SK [3] topic selection: lujun9972 , lujun9972 proofread: wxy

this article by the LCTT original compilation, Linux China launch honor

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