Module ‘Seaborn’ has no attribute ‘scatterplot’ solution

First, Seaborn contains the scatterplot module. However, running the corresponding sentence without syntax error will report an error, because the current Seaborn version is 0.8 or below.

Examples of errors are as follows:

Solution: upgrade Seaborn version! The corresponding statement is: PIP install Seaborn = = number of corresponding versions, for example: PIP install Seaborn = = 0.9.0

Rerun the statement to draw a normal diagram

During this period, CMD may require upgrading, and run for many times: Python – M PIP install — upgrade PIP may be invalid

Error, feedback similar permission problems, specific debugging methods can refer to the following: 43870646/article/details/90020874

If: no module named pip.basecommand

It is suggested that you can uninstall the old version and re install the new version. The corresponding steps are as follows. Or you can refer to the author’s method

After reloading pip, you can upgrade Seaborn according to the first step above.

How to install CONDA can refer to this article:

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