Git command line configuration and configuration file to solve clone error libressl_ connect: SSL_ ERROR_ SYSCALL in connection to github. com:443


When clone comes from a GitHub warehouse, an error is reported as follows:

leung@wuyujin coderepo % git clone
Cloning into 'gs-consuming-web-service'...
fatal: unable to access '': LibreSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to 
leung@wuyujin coderepo % git clone
Cloning into 'gs-consuming-web-service'...
fatal: unable to access '': LibreSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to 
leung@wuyujin coderepo % 

Core error: libressl_ connect: SSL_ ERROR_ SYSCALL in connection to github. com:443

It’s about SSL authentication.

to configure

The GIT configuration of the current user will be written in the . Gitconfig configuration file in the current user directory (if there is no new touch ~ /. Gitconfig )
take user wuyujin as an example, the full path of GIT configuration file is:
windows: C:
linux: /home/wuyujin /. Gitconfig
MacBook: /users/wuyujin /. Gitconfig

Git can be configured in two ways:
through the command line setting, the corresponding configuration items will be automatically written to the configuration file (premise: you know how to write the command)
directly modify the configuration file (premise: you know the format/rules of the configuration file)

Command required:

git config --global http.sslVerify false git config --global https.sslVerify false

The effect is that the configuration file is written as follows:

[http] sslVerify = false [https] sslVerify = false

In addition, user. Name user. Email and other parameters can be set (not necessary here).


 leung@wuyujin coderepo % git config --global http.sslVerify false leung@wuyujin coderepo % git config --global https.sslVerify false leung@wuyujin coderepo % more ~/.gitconfig [http] sslVerify = false [https] sslVerify = false leung@wuyujin coderepo % 

Once again, clone, success.

Another possibility

When you clone a warehouse, open a new window clone another window. report errors.

One clone at a time will not report an error.

That is: parallel clone -- & gt; Serial clone

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