**Gazebo error – [REST.cc:205] Error in REST request**

Gazebo error – [rest. CC: 205] error in rest request
summarize some problems encountered in today’s running navigation
this error message appears. Gazebo error – [rest. CC: 205] error in rest request is probably due to the problem in the following file
~ /. Ignition/fuel/config.yaml
put the
URL: https://api.ignitionfuel.org Use URL: https://api.ignitionrobotics.org replace ~ /. Ignition/fuel/config.yaml file.

After changing this file, there may be errors, but it will not affect the use
the reason is that we just changed the above file
for the problem we want to solve, we can refer to the following scheme
error code

[Err] [ClientConfig.cc:270] Parser error [4]

Ignore the error, as it doesn’t affect functionality.
Delete the configuration file ~/.ignition/fuel/config.yaml, which may be broken. The next time you launch Gazebo a new file should be created.

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