Eureka failed to register error: saw local status change event statuschangeevent

The original usage of adding dependency is as follows:

dependencies {
    compile(” :spring-cloud-starter-netflix-eureka- client:2.0.4.RELEASE “)


When starting, an error will be prompted: [warn] [2020-08-18 14:45:15.922] [main] .DiscoveryClient [1297] – Saw local status change event StatusChangeEvent [timestamp=1597733115922, current=DOWN, previous=UP]


Later, it was found that the problem was how to write the service name

Add the dependency as follows:

dependencies {
    compile(” :spring-cloud-starter-netflix-eureka- client:2.0.4.RELEASE “)

    compile(” org.apache.commons :commons-lang3:3.8.1″)

The service can be registered to Eureka


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