Doris BrokerLoad Error: quality not good enough to cancel

Brokerload statement

LABEL gaofeng_broker_load_HDD
    DATA INFILE("hdfs://eoop/user/coue_data/hive_db/couta_test/ader_lal_offline_0813_1/*")
    INTO TABLE ads_user
    WITH BROKER "hdfs_broker"
    "dfs.ha.namenodes.eadhadoop" = "nn1,nn2",
    "dfs.namenode.rpc-address.eadhadoop.nn1" = "h4:8000",
    "dfs.namenode.rpc-address.eadhadoop.nn2" = "z7:8000",
    "dfs.client.failover.proxy.provider.eadhadoop" = "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.ha.ConfiguredFailoverProxyProvider",
    "" = "kerberos","kerberos_principal" = "ou3.CN",
    "kerberos_keytab_content" = "BQ8uMTYzLkNPTQALY291cnNlXgAAAAFfVyLbAQABAAgCtp0qmxxP8QAAAAE="

report errors

Task cancelled

type:ETL_ QUALITY_ UNSATISFIED; msg:quality not good enough to cancel



Generally, there must be a deeper reason for this error
you can see the URL field of the brokerload task through show load

show load warnings on ‘{URL}’
or open the web page directly

the number of fields is inconsistent or other reasons. The fundamental reason
is that the number of fields in some rows in the file to be imported is inconsistent with that in the table, Or the size of a field in some lines of the file exceeds the upper limit of the corresponding table field, resulting in data quality problems, which need to be adjusted accordingly

If  wants to ignore these error data
modify the task statement configuration parameter “Max”_ filter_ ratio” = “1”

LABEL gaofeng_broker_load_HDD
    DATA INFILE("hdfs://eoop/user/coue_data/hive_db/couta_test/ader_lal_offline_0813_1/*")
    INTO TABLE ads_user
    WITH BROKER "hdfs_broker"
    "dfs.ha.namenodes.eadhadoop" = "nn1,nn2",
    "dfs.namenode.rpc-address.eadhadoop.nn1" = "h4:8000",
    "dfs.namenode.rpc-address.eadhadoop.nn2" = "z7:8000",
    "dfs.client.failover.proxy.provider.eadhadoop" = "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.ha.ConfiguredFailoverProxyProvider",
    "" = "kerberos","kerberos_principal" = "ou3.CN",
    "kerberos_keytab_content" = "BQ8uMTYzLkNPTQALY291cnNlXgAAAAFfVyLbAQABAAgCtp0qmxxP8QAAAAE="
    "max_filter_ratio" = "1"

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