Category Archives: Error

[Solved] Jenkins-ERROR: Error cloning remote repo ‘origin‘

In the process of Jenkins building Maven project, the configuration source code management reports an error:

remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021. Please use a personal access token instead.

refs/heads/*: refs/remotes/origin/* "returned status code 128: stdout: stderr: fatal: unable to access
GitHub account password verification cannot be used:
Solution: add a global certificate and use it in project configuration -> source management ->Use this voucher

Build again:

install Jenkins command under docker (Mount: Java and Maven) pay attention to the host directory

docker run -d -p 8089:8080 -p 8090:50000 -v /usr/local/jenkins:/var/jenkins_home -v /usr/local/jdk:/usr/local/java -v /usr/local/dev/apache-maven-3.6.3:/usr/local/maven -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime --name myjenkins jenkins/jenkins:lts

How to Solve AD20 Channel-Offset Error


Solution to Channel-Offset Error when the same circuit module of ad20 PCB is multiplexed in room format

1. Problem phenomenon

We often encounter the following problems when using room format to quickly layout circuits of the same module,

2. Solution

There are many processes of copying PCB layout of the same module circuit on the Internet, which will not be repeated here. The steps are similar, only the root cause of the problem
1: check whether the following three status settings are correct or not?
2: Channel Offset I recommend using the box, that is, select the first table and then pull down, paste the same; if you are in accordance with the EXCEL table as click Channel-Offset, and then right-click to copy, the results may lead to no copy success;.

3: before pasting, pay attention to keep the device arrangement order of the original circuit and the target circuit consistent

my main problem is the second point. I thought the copy was successful, but I didn’t copy it, so I didn’t paste it. Finally, I kept reporting errors, which annoyed me!

[Solved] Error c2226: syntax error: unexpected ‘lpstr’ type


1>c:\program files (x86)\microsoft sdks\windows\v7.0a\include\winbase.h(6132): warning C4229: used mnemonic error: ignore modifier on data
1>c:\program files (x86)\microsoft sdks\windows\v7.0a\include\winbase.h(6133): error C2226: syntax error : unexpected “LPSTR” type

Cause: Windows.h contains tchar.h and strsafe.h before Windows.h

Solution: Comment out the statement that contains tchar.h and strsafe.h before Windows.h.

[Solved] SOLVE/lcloos: Inversion error in LCNORM(2)

The error prompt is as follows:

STATUS :220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/normd:  Epoch <2800 >    23:19:30.000
STATUS :220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/lsquar: Setting up mapping operator for bias parameters
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite  1
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite  2
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite  3
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite  4
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite  5
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite  6
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite  7
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite  8
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite  9
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite 10
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite 11
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite 12
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite 13
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite 14
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite 15
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite 16
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite 17
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite 18
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite 19
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite 20
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite 21
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite 22
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite 23
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite 24
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite 25
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite 26
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite 27
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite 28
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite 29
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite 30
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite 31
WARNING:220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite 32
STATUS :220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/lsquar: Calculating new normal equation submatrices
STATUS :220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/lsquar: Finding and removing dependent biases
STATUS :220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/lsquar: Applying a priori 1000.0 cyc sigma on biases
STATUS :220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/lsquar: Solving initial normal equations
STATUS :220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/lsquar: Finished solving initial normal equations
STATUS :220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/lsqerr: Constrained bias-free nrms =        NaN
STATUS :220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/lcloos: Performing LC biases-free loose solution
FATAL  :220328:1302: 4.0 SOLVE/lcloos: Inversion error in LCNORM(2)
STOP FATAL Error: Stop from report_stat

The solution is as follows:

The reason for the error should be that there are no synchronized observations, or the synchronized observations are too short.
Under the rinex folder, verify the gnss data file that confirms the synchronized observations.

[Solved] Markdown Edit Formula Error: ParseError: KaTeX parse error: {align} can be used only in display mode

Problem description

Edit formula:

  & \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}{k=\frac{1}{2}}n(n+1) \\ 
 & \text{       }=\Theta ({{n}^{2}}) \\ 

Markdown Error: ParseError: KaTeX parse error: {align} can be used only in display mode
Error: KaTeX parse error: No such environment: align at position 7: \begin{̲a̲l̲i̲g̲n̲}̲ & \sum\limit…

Modify {align} to {aligned}, KaTeX is not support align, you need to modify to aligned.
Next, modify the formula layout so that the formula surrounded by $$ by KaTeX is centered.
\limit can make n and i=1 located directly above and below the accumulation symbol. ​

\sum_{i=1}^{n} k &=\frac{1}{2} n(n+1) \\ 
&=\Theta \left(n^{2}\right) 

[INS-06006] Passwordless SSH connectivity not set up [Solved]

After installing RAC, I encountered [INS-06006] Passwordless SSH connectivity not set up between the following node(s) when installing Oracle, rac1 and rac2 mutual trust. When the Setup was executed successfully, the passwordless login was already available on the OS, but Test did not work, so the following steps could not be performed.

Solution: I found that the problem lies in the virtual NIC virbr0 that comes with the virtual machine, remove the virtual NIC.
1. ifconfig virbr0 down
2. brctl delbr virbr0
3. systemctl disable libvirtd
4. Restart the virtual machine
5.Remove the original /home/oracle/.ssh file, and reset,test it.

[Solved] Vue3 Eslint Error: The template root requires exactly one element

In a word:
vue2 uses vetur, and vue3 uses volar

Error indication:

vue2 items in the template must be wrapped by using a root element;

in vue3 project, Vue related plug-ins use Volar

In the vue2 project, use the plug-in Vetur

    1. disable Vetur in the current workspace. To prevent affecting the use of other projects

      1. E
      nable Volar

No more errors

Kubernetes create secret Error: Error from server (InternalError): Internal error occurred…

Creating secret Error:
# kubectl create secret generic thanos-objectstorage –from-file=objstore.yaml -n monitoring
Error Messages:

Error from server (InternalError): Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook “”: Post https://rancher-webhook.cattle-system.svc:443/v1/webhook/mutation?timeout=10s: service “rancher-webhook” not found


According to the error report, it may be a problem with rbac, which cannot create

# kubectl get mutatingwebhookconfigurations
NAME                             WEBHOOKS   AGE
mutating-webhook-configuration   7          156d                2          156d

# kubectl get validatingwebhookconfigurations
NAME                               WEBHOOKS   AGE                  2          156d
validating-webhook-configuration   7          156d

There are two admission controllers found in the view, both of which are leftover from the previous installation of components

Just Delete it

# kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfigurations mutating-webhook-configuration "mutating-webhook-configuration" deleted

# kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfigurations "" deleted

# kubectl delete validatingwebhookconfigurations "" deleted

# kubectl delete validatingwebhookconfigurations validating-webhook-configuration "validating-webhook-configuration" deleted

[Solved] Opencv Calls PB Model Error: cv2.error: OpenCV(4.2.0)…


Problem description

cv2.error: OpenCV(4.2.0) C:\projects\opencv-python\opencv\modules\dnn\src\dnn.cpp:562: error: (-2:Unspecified error) Can't create layer "feature_fusion/truediv" of type "RealDiv" in function 'cv::dnn::dnn4_v20191202::LayerData::getLayerInstance'


It has three places to modified in

1.  Comment out this line:  #images = mean_image_subtraction(images)
2. c1_1 = slim.conv2d(tf.concat([g[i-1], f[i]], axis=3), num_outputs[i], 1)
3. pi2 = 0.5 * np.pi
   angle_map = (slim.conv2d(g[3], 1, 1, activation_fn=tf.nn.sigmoid, normalizer_fn=None) - 0.5) * pi2
   F_geometry = tf.concat([geo_map, angle_map], axis=3)