It is possible to create Java classes and associate XML and so create new activities in this way. However, it is not possible to create new activities by right clicking on the new Activity. After a long period of searching, it has found that the events which are causing the official environment are built
Read More:
- Activity of Android studio_ main.xml Unable to preview (gray page)
- Android studio reports an error when building AAR for unity
- After Android studio creates a new bottomnavigationactivity, there is a blank solution in the upper area of fragment
- Android Studio Series: after Android studio is opened, the project window will not be displayed.
- Get the startup activity of Android apk
- [actual record of Android stepping on the pit] Android studio reports an error invalid gradle JDK configuration found after importing the project
- An error is reported after Android studio creates a new virtual machine. Emulator: emulator: error: unknown AVD name
- Error: Error parsing D:\new_android\Android SDK\system-images\android-25\android-wear\armeabi-v7a\de
- Android studio introduces code error, but it can run normally
- “Android.””IDE,” CMakereward Invalid revision: 3.18.1-g262b901-dirtyerror
- Supplement to the problem of “Session’app’: Error Launching activity” when running on Android
- Android Studio – add configuration for Android studio
- Android Studio | Failed to find target with hash string ‘android-26’ in: D:\Android\sdk
- Android: Web access activity error: error unknown URL scheme
- “Failed to create interpreter” appears when pychar creates a new project
- JD GUI decompiles class file and reports internal error
- An error is reported for the new Android project. Rejecting re init on previously failed
- Error in Cordova project execution command after Android studio upgrade: could not find gradle wrapper within Android SDK
- Android Studio Error: Invoke-customs are only supported starting with Android O (–min-api 26)