install samba: sudo apt-get install samba
install smbclient: sudo apt-get install
install SMBFS: Sudo apt-get SMBFS
2, modify configuration file
sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf edit smb.conf file
will; Change security user to security user, and then add
at the end of the configuration file
comment = Shared Folder require password
path = /home/magic/share
public = yes
writable = yes
valid users = magic
create mask = 0777
directory mask = 0777
force user = nobody
force group = nogroup
available = yes
browseable = yes
save and restart samba, Sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart
3, set user and password
sudo smbpasswd-a magic then I prompt for password.
4, finally under Windows online neighbor -> Right click – & gt; Map network drive
input folder box \\ IP address \ShareFiles, press the prompt to input username and password.
this article from the Linux community website (, the original link:
increases samba user prompt Failed to add entry for user
[root@ubuntu ~]# smbpasswd-a test
New SMB password:
Retype New SMB password:
Failed to add entry for user test.
Failed to add0 1 entry3 for4 5 user6
[root@ubuntu ~]# groupadd test-g 6000
/root @ ubuntu ~ # user add test – u 6000 – g/sbin/nologin – 6000 – s d/dev/null
+ /span> + /span> + /span> + /span In order to increase the security of the system, the added system account should not be given to shell or designated directory. At that time, a folder should be created for the test account in /home directory, and only Test has access to read and write.
/root @ ubuntu ~ # mkdir /home/test
/root @ ubuntu ~ # chown – R test: test/home/test
[root@ubuntu ~]# chmod u+ RWX,g+ RWX,o-rwx /home/test
[root@ubuntu ~]# smbpasswd-a test
New SMB password:
Retype New SMB password:
Add Ed user test.
problem solving from:
Read More:
- Add samba user prompt Failed to add entry for user.
- “Failed to find entry for user…” appears when Linux uses samba
- “Failed to find entry for user…” appears when Samba is used
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