Problem Description:
Stm32f103cbt6 keil compilation error: l6220e: load region LR_ IROM1 size (65552 bytes) exceeds limit (65536 bytes). Region contains 84 bytes of padding and 0 bytes of veneers (total 84 bytes of linker generated content).
Step 1
For 128K chips, modify the irom1 size to 0x20000 (in the red box below). Some versions of Keil will automatically change this location when you change the device; Some versions need to be modified manually
Step 2
Select linker → edit to open link.sct file
Modify the data after LR_IROM1 and ER_IROM1 in the file to 0x20000 (at the red box in the figure below) and save the file.
Step 3
Recompile and solve the problem
The first and second steps must be completed before compiling and testing. The first step alone may not be successful.
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