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[Vue warn]: Unknown custom element: did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option.
The cause of the problem is: related components are used, but not introduced
First find the relevant code caused the error, see if there is use similar components, such as the use radio-group
and radio
assembly, but not introduced, this time above error occurs
<el-form-item label="状态:">
<el-radio-group v-model="formData.status">
<el-radio :key="item.value"
v-for="item in statusOptions" >{{item.label}}</el-radio>
Found in the project directory main.js
, and then import {} from
introduced into related components, re- Vue.use()
use. For example:
import {
} from 'element-ui';
This completes the global introduction of components
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