Recently opened an android project, click “Run” key to Run the app, and report an Error

Choose File – & gt; Project Structure

Adjust Build Tools Version

Error:Please select android SDK
Choose File – & gt; Project Structure

Adjust Build Tools Version

Read More:
- Android Studio | Failed to find target with hash string ‘android-26’ in: D:\Android\sdk
- Error in Cordova project execution command after Android studio upgrade: could not find gradle wrapper within Android SDK
- Error: Error parsing D:\new_android\Android SDK\system-images\android-25\android-wear\armeabi-v7a\de
- [actual record of Android stepping on the pit] Android studio runs with errors. Installed build tools revision 31 is broken
- Install of Android studio_ FAILED_ OLDER_ Solutions to SDK
- Android Studio Series: after Android studio is opened, the project window will not be displayed.
- Android Studio sync build.gradle appears: Failed to resolve: problem
- Android Studio Error: Invoke-customs are only supported starting with Android O (–min-api 26)
- Re installing Android studio always fails to install SDK when installing software (solution)
- Android Studio – add configuration for Android studio
- Android 9.0 APP Install Android 4.4 Error: classnotfoundexception
- Android studio compilation error: style attribute ‘@ android:attr/windowEnterAnimation ‘not found the ultimate solution
- Android studio introduces code error, but it can run normally
- Android studio AAPT: error: attribute android:requestLegacyExternalStorage not found.
- [error record] as compilation error (Android support plugin version is too high | upgrade Android studio to the latest version)
- Failed to find target with hash string ‘android-25’ in:D:\SDK
- android studio:Error inflating class
- About Android studio error: (26,13) failed to resolve: : appcompat-v7:27. + error
- Change API level Android studio
- Install Android SDK — stopping ADB server failed (code – 1)