The Java class generated by protocol reports an error: cannot access

The Java class generated by protocol reports an error:

The generated template class reported an error. It was said on the Internet that the version was wrong, but I was sure that the version used was correct. Later, it was checked that a proto was introduced into the command_Path causes the generated template class to report an error

Error command:

protoc --proto_path=D:\000\hadoop-2.7.2-src\hadoop-yarn-project\hadoop-yarn\hadoop-yarn-api\src\main\proto\ --proto_path=D:\000\hadoop-2.7.2-src\hadoop-common-project\hadoop-common\src\main\proto\ --proto_path=.\ --java_out=.\ .\*.proto

Change to the following command:

protoc --proto_path=D:\000\hadoop-2.7.2-src\hadoop-common-project\hadoop-common\src\main\proto\  --proto_path=.\ --java_out=.\ .\*.proto

One less — proto_Path, and then the problem is solved

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