The command Du – h — max depth = 1 in Linux

Du [- abcdhhklmssx] [- L & lt; symbolic link & gt;] [- X & lt; file & gt;] [– block size] [– exclude = & lt; directory or file & gt;] [– max depth = & lt; directory level & gt;] [– help] [– version] [directory or file]

Common parameters:

-A or – all displays disk usage for each specified file, or for each file in the directory.

-B or – bytes displays the size of the directory or file in bytes.

-C or – total displays not only the size of the directory or file, but also the sum of all the directories or files.

-D or – dereference args displays the source file size of the specified symbolic connection.

-H or – human readable in units of K, m and G to improve the readability of information.

-H or – Si is the same as – H, but K, m and G are converted to 1000 instead of 1024.

-K or – kilobytes in 1024 bytes.

-L or – count links repeatedly calculate the file of hardware connection.

-L & lt; symbolic connection & gt; or – dereference & lt; symbolic connection & gt; displays the source file size of the symbolic connection specified in the options.

-M or – megabytes in 1MB.

-S or – summarize displays only the total, the size of the current directory.

-S or – separate dirs displays the size of each directory, excluding the size of its subdirectories.

-X or – one file Xsystem is based on the file system at the beginning of processing. If there are other different file system directories, they will be omitted.

-X & lt; file & gt; or – exclude from = & lt; file & gt; specify a directory or file in & lt; file & gt.

– exclude = & lt; directory or file & gt; skips the specified directory or file.

– max depth = & lt; the number of directory layers & gt; is ignored when the number of directory layers exceeds the specified number.

– help displays help.

– version displays the version information.

1 & gt; to display the disk usage of a directory tree and each subtree

du /home/linux

This shows the number of disk blocks in the / home / Linux directory and each subdirectory.

2 & gt; to display the disk usage of a directory tree and each subtree in 1024 bytes

du -k /home/linux

This shows the number of 1024 byte disk blocks in the / home / Linux directory and each subdirectory.

3 & gt; displays the disk usage of a directory tree and each subtree in MB

du -m /home/linux

This shows the number of MB disk blocks in the / home / Linux directory and each subdirectory.

4 & gt; displays the disk usage of a directory tree and each subtree in GB

du -g /home/linux

This shows the number of GB disk blocks in the / home / Linux directory and each subdirectory.

5 & gt; view the size of all directories and subdirectories under the current directory:

du -h .

“.” represents the current directory. It can also be changed to a clear path

-H means to display in the humanized form of K, m and G

6 & gt; view the size of the user directory in the current directory, and do not want to see other directories and their subdirectories:

du -sh user

-S means to summarize, that is, only one summarized value is listed

du -h –max-depth=0 user

–Max depth = n means only to drill down to the n-th level directory. If it is set to 0, it means not to drill down to the subdirectory.

7 & gt; list the sizes of all directories and files in the user directory and its subdirectories:

du -ah user

-A means including directory and file


8 & gt; lists the size of the directory in the current directory whose name does not include the XYZ string:

du -h –exclude=’*xyz*’

9 & gt; want to list more information about the size of the user directory and subdirectories in one screen:

du -0h user

-0 (zero bar) indicates that the information of each directory listed is directly output to the next directory instead of newline.

10 & gt; displays all disk usage for only one directory tree

du -s /home/linux

11 & gt; view the size of each folder: Du – h — max depth = 1

To view the specified directory:

The code is as follows: where / path represents the path

du -h --max-depth=1 /path

The details are as follows:

root@ubuntu4146:~# du -h --max-depth=1 /data/
1.1G	/data/gitlabDataa
8.0K	/data/test
241G	/data/gitlabData
809G	/data/home
15G	/data/OpenGrok
16K	/data/lost+found
1.1T	/data/

We find that the / data / home / directory takes up the most, so we can continue to see which directory takes up the most, as follows:

root@ubuntu4146:/data/home# du -h --max-depth=1 /data/home/
141G	/data/home/wzm
62G	/data/home/lwc
421G	/data/home/hcy
16K	/data/home/zzp
16K	/data/home/zl
54G	/data/home/drj
122G	/data/home/sjq
4.1G	/data/home/ljs
6.7G	/data/home/ywm
809G	/data/home/

Author: Ouyang Peng welcome to reprint, share with others is the source of progress!

Please keep the original address: peng/article/details/10414499

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