Tag Archives: The front end

Common error: uncaught typeerror: document.getElementsByClassName (…).addEventListener is not a function

Problems encountered in the development of native front end:

Uncaught TypeError: document.getElementsByClassName(...).addEventListener is not a function......



    selector did not select the element object correctly
    the document.getElementsByClassName (… )What is captured is the array
solution of the class name element

    document.getElementsByClassName (… )[0].addEventListener…
    Select the required element object through [0]

The key “target densitydpi” is not supported

Run a web page and find the key “target density Pi” is not supported in the log

After checking the relevant information, it is found that the target densitydpi attribute has been abandoned. Specific reference https://petelepage.com/blog/2013/02/viewport-target-densitydpi-support-is-being-deprecated/

“Support for target densitydpi in the viewport meta tag was recently removed from WebKit and with chrome for Android moving forward to current revisions on WebKit, this change is now rolling out in Android.”

In other words, target density PI has been enabled.

At the same time, this blog also gives people a usage, that is, in WebKit, if you need to put target density DPI = device DPI.

My strategy is simpler. When I find that target density Pi is useless in the web page, I delete the relevant attributes directly in the web page.

Cannot read property ‘this compilation’ of undefined appears in copy webpack plugin

Today, I want to copy the pictures of the company’s projects to build / images,

Direct installation

 npm install copy-webpack-plugin --save-dev

, using the latest official documentation

 new CopyPlugin({
      patterns: [
        { from: 'source', to: 'dest' },
        { from: 'other', to: 'public' },

However, it is always reported that cannot read property ‘this compilation’ of undefined

The results show that the webpack is “^ 1.13.2” because the company’s projects are older,

So you can reduce the copy webpack plugin version to below 5.0.0, and then use the old writing method

For example, “copy webpack plugin”: “^ 4.6.0”,

Vue init webpack command error Vue cli / node_ modules/_ rimraf@2.6.2@rimraf/rimraf.js :313

This is a low-level error in Vue development that can be encountered but is shared here so that it can be resolved if encountered
To explain the development environment in which this problem occurs: native Mac + NVM-managed node uses Node V8.0.0 to install vue-cli globally: NPM install vue-cli-g

Error is as follows

/Users/weiyongqiang/.nvm/versions/node/v9.2.0/lib/node_modules/vue-cli/node_modules/_rimraf@2.6.2@rimraf/rimraf.js:313 throw er ^ Error: EACCES: permission denied, unlink '/Users/weiyongqiang/.vue-templates/webpack/.gitignore'

Error analysis
This problem is actually relatively simple. The intuitive error is that an exception is thrown on line 313 of rimraf.js. Exploring the cause of this problem requires understanding the role of rimraf.js. It uses the rm -rf command of Unix for deep package deletions. RM-RF is required to operate the corresponding permissions.
Error resolution
Run the vue command with sudo

sudo vue init webpack

Although the solution to this problem is very simple but I believe that many people will encounter, the use of Windows system, of course, will not appear the problem of authority.

Vue error resolution: typeerror: cannot read property _ t of undefined

[Vue warn]: Error in render: TypeError: Cannot read property _t of undefined
The compatibility issue between Vue and i18n is the multi-language configuration used in the project. The solution is as follows:



Vue.use(iView, { i18n: function(path, options) { let value = i18n.t(path, options) if (value !== null && value !== undefined) { return value } return '' } })

Internationalization other items are configured unchanged and are recorded only.
Reference articles:

The problem that headers [‘content-type ‘] does not work is set in the Axios get method request interface

The request headers are set in the Axios wrapper request method and are not present in the Request Headers

service.interceptors.request.use( config => { config.data = JSON.stringify(config.data); config.headers['Authorization'] = getToken(); config.headers['Content-Type'] = "application/json;charset=utf-8"; return config; }, error => { return Promise.reject(); } );

The Axios source code under NPM removes the Content-Type setting when RequestData is not set

// Add headers to the request if ('setRequestHeader' in request) { utils.forEach(requestHeaders, function setRequestHeader(val, key) { if (typeof requestData === 'undefined' && key.toLowerCase() === 'content-type') { // Remove Content-Type if data is undefined delete requestHeaders[key]; } else { // Otherwise add header to the request request.setRequestHeader(key, val); } }); }

If (typeof requestData === undefined & & Key.tolowerCase () === Content-Type ‘)
2. Assign config.data = true to requestData

service.interceptors.request.use( config => { config.data = JSON.stringify(config.data); config.headers['Authorization'] = getToken(); config.data = true config.headers[ 'Content-Type'] = "application/json;charset=utf-8"; return config; }, error => { return Promise.reject(); } );

Reference data: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_24729895/article/details/80367460

uniapp e. currentTarget.dataset Pay attention

There is a problem with uniapp. When you compile to H5, you can get the data, but you can’t get the data in the WeChat applet
As shown in figure:

Then, at the prompt, add console.log to the relevant code to see the output
It turns out that there was an error adding a label to the element

Look at both sides of the console to find the reason:

WeChat applet:

The WeChat applet converts uppercase letters to lowercase
Fix: Change the data-trailerID in HBuilderX to all lowercase