Tag Archives: pyaudio

When installing pyaudio, an error is reported: failed error: portaudio. H: there is no such file or directory

When installing pyaudio, an error is reported: failed error: portaudio. H: there is no such file or directory

The operation of pyaudio depends on the portaudio library. You should first install a portaudio library

Portaudio installation steps:

A) Download PortAudio Library http://portaudio.com/download.html , select the latest tgz, upload it to Linux or termux and place it where you want to install it. Termux: I put it in/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share, and CD it to this directory

B) tar – zxvf file name         Unzip the downloaded files without tar, such as apt get install tar

C) enter the decompressed portaudio file and execute the following commands in turn:


(configure command)

This step is generally used to generate makefile to prepare for the next step of compilation. You can control the installation by adding parameters after configure. For example, the code:./configure – prefix =/usr means to install the software under/usr, and the executable file will be installed in/usr/bin (instead of the default/usr/local/bin), The resource file will be installed in/usr/share (instead of the default/usr/local/share). At the same time, some software configuration files can be set by specifying the – sys config = parameter. Some software can also add – with, – enable, – without, – disable and other parameters to control the compilation. You can view the detailed instructions and help by allowing./configure – help.

In termux, this step is set to

./configure –prefix=/data/data/com.termux/files/usr

    make     compile

    make install     Installation

4. Install pyaudio library, PIP3 install pyaudio