Tag Archives: Now

odoo Error: KeyError:‘ir.http‘ [How to Solve]

#####1 an error occurred while loading odoo

######2 first check the configuration file, especially the path

######3, and then enter – I base – D new database name in run/debug configurations

#####4 restart the server to see if it is OK. If not, reinstall the database and change the version of the database. If not, reload the source code. The source code may have been accidentally changed

After reading, remember to like it, refill

[Solved] Odoo Cannot log in error after the Database is Recovered

Many odoo users have encountered the problem that the backed up database cannot be restored

You can self-check in the following ways

1. Is the odoo version correct? Different versions of odoo cannot be restored directly, for example, odoo13 cannot be restored directly to odoo15

2. Whether the database version is correct, postgres may have problems when it is backward compatible. It is recommended to migrate to the same version.

3. Whether the code is migrated correctly, inconsistent codes on both sides will also cause an error, which is common in the conf file without specifying the code location.

If you confirm that the above content is correct, you can try the following methods

1. Add -d database name -i base when starting odoo through the command line, this method is to select the database to force the update of the base module; because all odoo modules are dependent on this, the mandatory update will be all the modules installed in the database after the base Will be upgraded.

2. Enter postgres, enter the following command

su postgres; # Switch postgres users
psql; # Enter the postgres command line
\c; database name # specify database instance
DELETE FROM ir_attachment WHERE url LIKE '/web/content/%'; # Delete the front-end files cached in the data table

Generally, most problems can be solved through the above two steps.

Set the maximum number of Postgres connections Error [How to Solve]

The Postgres version of this tutorial case is 12

Problem Description:

psycopg2.OperationalError: FATAL: sorry, too many clients already on

In the morning, I found that the python back-end service I maintained reported an error. Baidu found that the default maximum concurrency of Postgres was only 100, which led to this problem

Modify tutorial:

cd /var/lib/postgresql/12/main
vi postgresql.auto.conf

Add the following line of code to the file to set the maximum number of connections to 800, the default is 100
max_connections = 800

Restart the service
service postgresql restart

The following is the SQL command to check whether the modification is successful:

# Show the maximum number of connections to the current database
show max_connections;

# Show the number of users currently connected to the data
SELECT COUNT(*) from pg_stat_activity;

# Show details of the current connection, very slow, don't use it
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity;

The effect is similar, which indicates that the setting is successful

Solution: ora-00205: error in identifying control file, check alert log for more info

Problem: Startup database reports an error, content ORA-00205: Error in identifying control file, check Alert log for more Info


the first step: look at the journal CD $ORACLE_BASE/diag/RDBMS/zdzrac/zdzrac1/trace; Tail – 200 alert_zdzrac1. The log

note: 200 represents the display of 200 lines

CTL ‘,’/ disk2/ control01.ctl’, ‘/disk3/control03.ctl’,’/disk3/control03.ctl’ scope=spfile; Causes the control file path to change

step 3: find the path of the original control file on another normal node

SQL> select status,name from v$controlfile;

the STATUS of the NAME


+ DATA/zdzrac controlfile/current. 256.947408805

step 4: modify the control file path in the spfilec parameter file to solve the problem

oracle# create pfile = ‘/ u01/app/oracle/product/ ora’ from spfile = ‘/ u01/app/oracle/product/ ora’;

oracle# vi/u01/app/oracle/product/ ora







zdzrac1.__oracle_base=’/u01/app/oracle’#ORACLE_BASE set from environment

zdzrac2.__oracle_base=’/u01/app/oracle’#ORACLE_BASE set from environment














*. Compatible = ‘’

*. Control_files = ‘+ DATA/zdzrac controlfile/current 256.947408805’// change control file path




“/ u01/app/oracle/product/ ora” 44 l, 1489 c

step 5: restart the database using the pfile file

startup pfile = ‘/ u01/app/oracle/product/ ora’;

step 6: create the spfile file with the modified pfile

SQL> The create spfile from pfile = ‘/ u01/app/oracle/product/ ora’ ‘;

step 7: close the database and start the database

SQL> shutdown immediate

SQL> startup

【ORA】Error 1031 received logging on to the standby

[ORA] Error 1031 Received logging on to the standby

When building Windows Server 2008 R2 single-instance DG connected to Linux RAC (, an error was reported on node 2:
Error 1031 received logging on to the standby

The password file will be the same if you use Oracle as the password, but it turns out that you still need to recreate the password file, and the password file will be identical in all three places.

orapwd file=orapworcl password=oracle;
generated the password file; So just copy the password file from node 1 to node 2 and DG (change the file name to PWD instance name.ora, in this case pwdorcl.ora). If you check the alter log and it still gives an error, you need to redistribute and cancel the log application before starting the application log.
*** stop redo logging application
SQL> alter database recover managed standby database cancel;

*** open real-time logging application
SQL> alter database recover managed standby database using current logfile disconnect;