Tag Archives: MySQL installation

When installing mysql, an error occurs when executing the installation command with the CMD window. Install / Remove of the Service denied

This error report means that I don’t have the right to install and delete because I didn’t use my own computer. At the beginning, I didn’t notice the black window. This problem indicates that I don’t have the right to install and delete. Because you are not using your own computer, I didn’t notice that the default identity of Win + R is the current user, not the administrator, so you need to run CMD as an administrator.

Steps: 1. Open my computer, and the cmd.exe file is located on Disk C — & gt; Window folder — & gt; System32 folder, right-click to run as administrator.

            2. At this time, execute the MySQL – install command again, and the installation is successful.

I have also configured environment variables here, but there is no exception after checking that CMD does not take effect globally. So I add the absolute path of bin folder to path directly. At this time, the MySQL command takes effect globally. If a small partner encounters the same problem, you can try this solution.