1. System environment
Host operating system: Ubuntu 10.04
Host compiler: gcc4.4.3,
Cross compiler: arm-linux-gcc-4.3.2
Prerequisites: build three compiled versions of Qt4.6.3: PC,X86, ARM
2. Install
Download address: http://www.developer.nokia.com/dp?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fsw.nokia.com%2Fid%2F8ea74da4-fec1-4277-8b26-c58cc82e204b%2FQt_SDK_Lin32_offline
Run it directly and follow the default steps to install it. It’s included
Qt creator — against 2.4.1
3. Configuration of Qt-Creator development environment
1. Start Qt-Creator.
2. In the QT-Creator menu bar Tools–>; Options opens the Options window.
3. On the left side of the Options screen, click Build & Run—> The right side of QtVersions displays the QTVersions setting interface.

4. Click Add on the right side to Add the path of qmake:

At this point, Qt- Creator is configured.
5 sample
Here is divided into two parts, first compiled under x86, and run under QVFB, and then compiled under ARM, moved to the development board to run.
From/usr/local/Trolltech QtEmbedded 4.6.3/demos copy books routines to root under/TMP folder.
5.1×86 compilation and debugging
5.1.1 Start Qt-Creator, File–>; Open File or Project,
Open the root/TMP/books/books. Pro.
5.1.2 Select Compiler

Click Finish and the screen appears

The lower
on the left allows you to modify compiler-specific configurations at any time
5.1.3 Modify the configuration
and add the -qws parameter, because you want to run under QVFB

5.1.3 compile

5.1.3 run
Start the QVFB
#qvfb -width800 -height 480 &

So this is the result
5.2 Compiling and debugging under ARN
Leave it on hold
Host operating system: Ubuntu 10.04
Host compiler: gcc4.4.3,
Cross compiler: arm-linux-gcc-4.3.2
Prerequisites: build three compiled versions of Qt4.6.3: PC,X86, ARM
2. Install
Download address: http://www.developer.nokia.com/dp?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fsw.nokia.com%2Fid%2F8ea74da4-fec1-4277-8b26-c58cc82e204b%2FQt_SDK_Lin32_offline
Run it directly and follow the default steps to install it. It’s included
Qt creator — against 2.4.1
3. Configuration of Qt-Creator development environment
1. Start Qt-Creator.
2. In the QT-Creator menu bar Tools–>; Options opens the Options window.
3. On the left side of the Options screen, click Build & Run—> The right side of QtVersions displays the QTVersions setting interface.

4. Click Add on the right side to Add the path of qmake:

At this point, Qt- Creator is configured.
5 sample
Here is divided into two parts, first compiled under x86, and run under QVFB, and then compiled under ARM, moved to the development board to run.
From/usr/local/Trolltech QtEmbedded 4.6.3/demos copy books routines to root under/TMP folder.
5.1×86 compilation and debugging
5.1.1 Start Qt-Creator, File–>; Open File or Project,
Open the root/TMP/books/books. Pro.
5.1.2 Select Compiler

Click Finish and the screen appears

The lower

5.1.3 Modify the configuration

5.1.3 compile

5.1.3 run
Start the QVFB
#qvfb -width800 -height 480 &

So this is the result
5.2 Compiling and debugging under ARN
Leave it on hold
1. Qt embedded environment construction and transplantation
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Make :arm-linux-g++:Command Not Found Make :arm-linux-g++:Command Not Found Make :arm-linux-g++:Command Not Found: Make :arm-linux-g++:Command Not Found: Make :arm-linux-g++:Command Not Found