Tag Archives: Error report summary column

[Solved] matlab error: try to write SCRIPT vl_sift is executed as a function

Cause of problem:

1. The function name is the same as the file name

2. Missing \vlfeat-0.9.21\toolbox\mex\mexw64.

File directory:


Error: function Directory:

[ kp1,ds1 ] = vl_sift(single(rgb2gray(img1)),'PeakThresh', 0,'edgethresh',3);


1. Rename vl_sift.m to vl_sift1.m to solve it perfectly.

2. Copy the mex folder from other projects to \vlfeat-0.9.21\toolbox directory

vlfeat-0.9.21 version may have this problem. vlfeat-0.9.14 version mex is basically compiled. So there is no such problem.

[Solved] No module named ‘pywt‘ or ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘skimage.metrics‘


pip install pywavelets
pip install scikit-image
The relevant dependencies pywavelets will be installed automatically

If an error is reported later:
modulenotfounderror: no module named ‘skimage metrics‘

If the skimage version is too low, update to the latest version (or 0.18+):

pip install scikit-image --upgrade

[Solved] AttributeError: module ‘thread‘ has no attribute ‘start_new_thread‘

There is a package name thread in the project (the folder name in Python is also the package name), which conflicts with the thread library of the system. Just rename the folder in the project.

That is, change thread.py in the project to another name.

Right click thread.py → refactor → rename → in pycharm to change the name to be different from the system thread library.