Tag Archives: Computer graphics

Some problems and solutions in learning opengl in vs2017

1. Under VS2017, the header file you need to include is <<; gl/glut.h> GL/glut.h>
pch.h> Header files, to run a successful
and it will be included in the front, in & lt; gl/glut.h> PCH is a file that is automatically generated by the compiler when you create the project, called a precompiled file. Open PCH.H, and PCH.CPP, and find that there is nothing substantial in it.
for some references below:
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the article links: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_37866732/article/details/83894909 is the beginning of your code without # include “PCH. H” the precompiled header.
H This header file can be put into your.h header file, and having #ifndef, #define, and #endif is to prevent you from linking to a certain header file again.
#ifndef PCH_H
#define PCH_H
// TODO: Add the header to precompile here
#endif //PCH_H
#endif //PCH_H
#endif //PCH_H
Attributes – & gt; Configure properties –>; C/C + + – & gt; Precompiled header –>; To the right of the precompiled header, select not to use the precompiled header and press OK. You can add pch.h without any errors.