Tag Archives: Common mistakes

Linux basic command execution error: the solution of command not found

This is due to a problem with the environment variable. The profile file is not written correctly, resulting in the command line ls and other commands can not be recognized.
Solution: Just type in the following section from the command line. Add the PATH of all the commands under PATH. The system can find these command script files

export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin

Error launching Android Studio

Just after updating The JDK to version 1.8, I found that Studio could not start, and The error “The environment variable JAVA_HOME does not point to an valid JVM installation” appeared. See The following figure for details:

Solution: 1, click on the desktop computer, right-click the properties. ; 2. On the left, select “Advanced System Settings”, environment variables, and configure your JAVA_HOME without a semicolon

This will enable You to launch Android Studio.

Undefined control sequence

The program was compiled with the following error,

! Undefined control sequence.
l.64 ...p(- \frac{E_j - E_i}{k_B T}) & \quad \text
                                                  {:  E_j > E_i}\\
! Undefined control sequence.
l.65     1 & \quad \text
                        {:  E_j<E_i}\\

Search for information on the Internet

The main reason is that \text is not found and you just need to add the relevant package, for example, \ Text in this example needs to add ams Math Package.

R-common errors and their possible causes — Notes

Common Errors and their possible causes (self-use) GGplot class data manipulation and function class

Update on 2019.05.11
Common Errors and their possible causes (for personal use)
The following are all their actual process met, now collected, easy to learn to use, you have encountered other, I can also collect and update into here ~
Ps: Even if you understand the error message, you may not be able to find out which step is wrong, so don’t spray “the error message has explained blabla or other words”.
Ggplot class

    Q: ggplot2_Error: geom_point requires the following missing desire: y
    A: stat = “indentity” or “density”, Q: Error: Discrete value to continuous scale
    A: The X or Y axis may be set to discrete, while data is continuous, and vice versa. For example, scale_x_Continuous (blablabla) is set, but the X-axis data is C (” val1 “, “val2”,blabal2), which creates a conflict, so errorxlim Ylim and Coord_cartesian might have the same effect with graphs, but not the same. Coord_cartesian is a local zoom that does not change the dataset, while Xlim Ylim is a filter dataset that does change the dataset.

Data manipulation and function classes

    dat[datx > 5, c(1,9)] # only select column 1 and 9
    dat[datx > 5, 1:9] # select column 1 to 9. Although these two are different, the tibble of tidyverse bag has the property of data.frame, but it is not completely equal to data.frame:

angaus.tc5.lr01 < – GBm. step(Data =model.data, GBM. x = 3:14, GBM. y = 2, family = “Bernoulli”, Tree.com Plexity = 5, learning.rate = 0.01, Bag.Fraction = 0.5)

Error: Must subset columns with a valid subscript vector.
ℹ Logical subscripts Must match the size of the indexed input.
x input from size 1 but subscript model. The mask has size 18.
Run rlang::last_error() to see where the error occurred.

This means that the columns of model.data cannot be recognized. Since model.data is the tidyverse package read_delim, try it and add as.data.frame().

Hint: Run-time error 339 : Cmponent mscomCTL.ocx or one of its dependent

When prompted with run-time error 339 : Cmponent mscomCTL.ocx or one of its dependent Then we should install an MScomCTL.ocx. So what is MScomCTl.ocx?Mscomctl.ocx is a public ActiveX plug-in control module. For example, when you play a video, some of them need this plug-in.
The steps are as follows :(take window8.1 as an example)

Win8 Steps Unzip the zip file Cut the extracted file to 64-bit system directory: C:\Windows\SysWOW64 During the process, you will be asked to provide administrator privileges, just continue.  Press the Win key, click the search icon in the upper right corner, type "cmd". Right-click the first item and select Run as administrator. Register the OCX file. 64-bit system: regsvr32 %windir%\SysWOW64\MSCOMCTL.OCX Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

I was careless in the above operation, and then the following error occurred:

Why the mistake?The main reason is that I have a SysWOW64 folder in The C disk. I think it is the file path mentioned above, but the correct path is:


Why does this happen?Since I put this control in System32 as well, and later on, theres still a problem, the key thing is this: we open the command prompt with win+R, and just type
regsvr32 %windir%\SysWOW64\MSCOMCTL.OCX
What you didnt notice was that you must open the command prompt as administrator”!!