Tag Archives: Cache server

Redis takes the member with the largest score in Zset

1. Zrange key start stop [withscores]

zrange key-1-1 [withscores]

Return to ordered set

key , a member of the specified interval.

members of the position according to the score value increment ( since the childhood ) to sort.

with the same score members of the value according to the dictionary sequence ( lexicographical order to line up.

if you need a member according to the score value decreasing ( from big to small ) to line up, Please use the ZREVRANGE command.

subscript parameter start and stop to 0 at the bottom, that is to say, With 0 said ordered set first members, with 1 said ordered set the second member, and so on.

you can also use negative indices, with 1 said last member, 2 said penultimate members, and so on.

2. Zrevrange key start stop [withscores]

zrevrange key 0 0 [withscores]

members of the position according to the score value decreasing ( from big to small to line up.

Zrevrangebyscore key +inf 0 limit 0 1

ZRANGEBYSCORE key min Max [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count]