Error when running code
Use PIP install pytesseract
pip install tesseract
It still doesn’t work after installation. The same error is reported
Subsequent error finding:
Testseract-ocr is not installed
OCR (Optical Character Recognition): Optical Character Recognition, which refers to the process of analyzing, recognizing, and acquiring text in image files.
Tesseract: An open source OCR recognition engine. The initial Tesseract engine was developed by HP Labs, and later contributed to the open source software industry, and was later improved by Google to eliminate bugs, optimize, and re-release. Can be downloaded
After installation, add before the error code
pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = 'E:\\software\\Tesseract-OCR\\tesseract.exe'
This is followed by the path to install Tesseract-ocr
Successfully solved.
Read More:
- Tesseract OCR text recognition using tess4j encapsulation
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